Jim Reggia

Professor Emeritus
2252 Iribe Center
(301) 405-2686
(301) 405-6707
Ph.D., University of Maryland (Computer Science)

James A. Reggia is a professor emeritus of computer science with joint appointments in UMIACS and in the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

His research interests span neural computation, artificial intelligence, genetic programming, and artificial life.

Reggia has authored more than 200 refereed journal and conference papers in these areas. Recently he has focused on developing new methods for creating large-scale integrated neuro-computational systems as a basis or machine intelligence and neurocognitive modeling. This work has included modeling of specific cortical regions for visual and language processing, and modeling of basic cortical mechanisms, such as self-organizing map formation, learning to process temporal sequences, emergence of hemispheric asymmetries and specialization, and working memory.

His past work has been funded by DARPA, ONR, NSF, NIH, and multiple industry sources. He routinely teaches computer science graduate courses in neural computation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary computation, and artificial life.

Reggia holds a doctorate in computer science from the University of Maryland and an M.D. in clinical neurology.

Go here to view Reggia‘s academic publications.



Grushin A, Reggia JA.  2010.  Parsimonious rule generation for a nature-inspired approach to self-assembly. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS). 5(3):1-24.


Winder RK, Reggia JA, Weems SA, Bunting MF.  2009.  An oscillatory hebbian network model of short-term memory. Neural computation. 21(3):741-761.

Rodríguez A, Reggia JA.  2009.  A distributed learning algorithm for particle systems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 16(1):1-20.

Monner D, Reggia JA.  2009.  An unsupervised learning method for representing simple sentences. Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on.

Lapizco-Encinas G, Kingsford C, Reggia JA.  2009.  A cooperative combinatorial Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for side-chain packing. IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2009. SIS '09.

Huynh TQ, Reggia JA.  2009.  Improving rule extraction from neural networks by modifying hidden layer representations. Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on.


Reggia JA, Tagamets M, Contreras-Vidal J, Jacobs DW, Weems S, Naqvi W, Yang C.  2008.  The Maryland Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture.


RodrIGuez A, Grushin A, Reggia JA, HAUPTMAN AMI, SIPPER M, PAN Z, Reggia JA, GAO D, DARABOS C, GIACOBINI M et al..  2007.  Swarm Intelligence Systems Using Guided Self-Organization for Collective Problem Solving. Advances in Complex Systems. 10(1):5-34.

RodrIGuez A, Grushin A, Reggia JA, HAUPTMAN AMI, SIPPER M, PAN Z, Reggia JA, GAO D, DARABOS C, GIACOBINI M et al..  2007.  Swarm Intelligence Systems Using Guided Self-Organization for Collective Problem Solving. Advances in Complex Systems. 10(1):5-34.


Jung JY, Reggia JA.  2006.  Evolutionary design of neural network architectures using a descriptive encoding language. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on. 10(6):676-688.

Reggia JA, Tagamets M, Contreras-Vidal J, Jacobs DW, Weems S, Naqvi W, Winder R, Chabuk T, Jung J, Yang C.  2006.  Development of a Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture - Part 2: Design and Architecture. UMIACS-TR-2006-43

Reggia JA, Tagamets M, Contreras-Vidal J, Weems S, Jacobs DW, Winder R, Chabuk T.  2006.  Development of a Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture Part 1: Conceptual Framework. UMIACS-TR-2006-33


Lapizco-Encinas GC, Reggia JA.  2005.  Diagnostic problem solving using swarm intelligence. Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005. SIS 2005. Proceedings 2005 IEEE.

Rodríguez A, Reggia JA.  2005.  Collective-movement teams for cooperative problem solving. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 12(3):217-235.

PAN Z, Reggia JA.  2005.  Evolutionary discovery of arbitrary self-replicating structures. Computational Science–ICCS 2005.

RodrIGuez A, Reggia JA.  2005.  Using aggregate motion in multi-agent teams to solve search and transport problems. Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005. SIS 2005. Proceedings 2005 IEEE.


Winder R, Reggia JA.  2004.  Using distributed partial memories to improve self-organizing collective movements. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on. 34(4):1697-1707.

Jung JY, Reggia JA.  2004.  A descriptive encoding language for evolving modular neural networks. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation–GECCO 2004.



Shevtsova N, Reggia JA.  2002.  Effects of callosal lesions in a model of letter perception. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2(1):37-37.


Radio MJ, Reggia JA, Berndt RS.  2001.  Learning word pronunciations using a recurrent neural network. Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN'01. International Joint Conference on. 1:11-15.

Ayers D, Reggia JA.  2001.  Evolving columnar circuitry for lateral cortical inhibition. Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN'01. International Joint Conference on. 1:278-283.

Reggia JA, Schulz R, Wilkinson GS, Uriagereka J.  2001.  Conditions enabling the emergence of inter-agent signalling in an artificial world. Artificial Life. 7(1):3-32.


Reggia JA, Sutton III GG, Lynne C, D'Autrechy SC, Armentrout SL.  2000.  Cortical inhibition as explained by the competitive distribution hypothesis. Network models for control and processing.

Chen Y, Reggia JA.  2000.  The temporal correlation hypothesis for self-organizing feature maps. International Journal of Systems Science. 31(7):911-921.



Ruppin E, Ofer E, Reggia JA, Revett K.  1999.  Pathogenic mechanisms in ischemic damage: a computational study. Computers in biology and medicine. 29(1):39-59.

Ruppin E, Revett K, Ofer E, Goodall S, Reggia JA.  1999.  Penumbral tissue damage following acute stroke: a computational investigation. Progress in brain research. 121:243-260.

Levitan S, Stoica I, Reggia JA.  1999.  A model of lateralization and asymmetries in cortical maps. Neural Networks, 1999. IJCNN'99. International Joint Conference on. 1:121-124.

Shevtsova N, Reggia JA.  1999.  Lesion effects in a bihemispheric letter-identification model. Neural Networks, 1999. IJCNN'99. International Joint Conference on. 1:215-218.

Shevtsova N, Reggia JA.  1999.  A neural network model of lateralization during letter identification. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 11(2):167-181.


Reggia JA, Goodall S, Shkuro Y.  1998.  Computational studies of lateralization of phoneme sequence generation. Neural Computation. 10(5):1277-1297.

Chou HH, Reggia JA.  1998.  Problem solving during artificial selection of self-replicating loops* 1. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 115(3-4):293-312.

Reggia JA, Chou HH, Lohn JD.  1998.  Cellular automata models of self-replicating systems. Advances in Computers. 47:141-183.

Revett K, Ruppin E, Goodall S, Reggia JA.  1998.  Spreading depression in focal ischemia: A computational study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 18(9):998-1007.


Goodall S, Reggia JA, Chen Y, Ruppin E, Whitney C.  1997.  A computational model of acute focal cortical lesions. Stroke. 28(1):101-101.

Lohn JD, Reggia JA.  1997.  Automatic discovery of self-replicating structures in cellular automata. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on. 1(3):165-178.


Grundstrom EL, Reggia JA.  1996.  Learning Activation Rules Rather Than Connection Weights. International journal of neural systems. 7(2):129-148.

Ruppin E, Reggia JA, Horn D.  1996.  A neural model of positive schizophrenic symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 22(1):105-123.

Reggia JA, Grundstrom E, Berndt RS.  1996.  Learning activation rules for associative networks. Neural Networks, 1996., IEEE International Conference on. 1:365-370.

Ruppin E, Horn D, Levy N, Reggia JA.  1996.  Computational studies of synaptic alterations in Alzheimer’s disease. Neural modeling of brain and cognitive disorders.


Ruppin E, Reggia JA, Horn D.  1995.  A neural model of delusions and hallucinations in schizophrenia. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.

Ruppin E, Reggia JA.  1995.  A neural model of memory impairment in diffuse cerebral atrophy. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 166(1):19-19.

Lohn JD, Reggia JA.  1995.  Discovery of self-replicating structures using a genetic algorithm. Evolutionary Computation, 1995., IEEE International Conference on. 2:678-683.


Armentrout SL, Reggia JA, Weinrich M.  1994.  A neural model of cortical map reorganization following a focal lesion. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 6(5):383-400.
