Louiqa Raschid
Louiqa Raschid is a professor in the Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Her research has made significant contributions toward solving the challenges of data management, data integration, and performance for applications in the life sciences, internet data delivery, health information, financial information systems, humanitarian IT applications, and Grid computing.
Raschid's research spans the fields of computer science to business information systems to life science data management, and she is an expert in optimization and large-scale simulation; modeling, semantics and logic-based reasoning; and data management and analysis techniques. She has published more than 140 papers in leading conferences and journals in databases, scientific computing, internet data management, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, including the ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, AAAI, IEEE ICDE, ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE ToC, and the Journal of Logic Programming.
Raschid's research has received multiple awards, including more than 25 grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and DARPA. She was named an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2008.
She has organized working groups on information mediation and biological data management for the National Institutes of Health and DARPA. Raschid is leading an effort sponsored by the NSF and the Office of Financial Research (under the Department of the Treasury) on the next generation financial cyberinfrastructure.
She has advised and mentored more than 30 doctoral or post-doctoral researchers, including many women and minority students, and has more than 100 co-authors or co-editors.
Raschid has played a key role in the Sahana FOSS project for disaster information management, including serving as database architect, member of the Sahana Software Foundation, and founding chair of the Sahana Board (2007 to 2009). Sahana is the only comprehensive product for disaster information management. Sahana is an outgrowth of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka.
She received her doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Florida.
Go here to view Raschid's academic publications on Google Scholar.
2011. A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 23(1):5-21.
2011. Recommendations in social media for brand monitoring. Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems. :345-348.
2011. Future link prediction in the blogosphere for recommendation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).
2011. New models and algorithms for throughput maximization in broadcast scheduling. Approximation and Online Algorithms. :71-82.
2011. Predicting author blog channels with high value future posts for monitoring. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
2010. Challenges in personalized authority flow based ranking of social media. Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :1409-1412.
2010. Dense Subgraphs with Restrictions and Applications to Gene Annotation Graphs. Research in Computational Molecular Biology. :456-472.
2010. On trade-offs in event delivery systems. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems. :116-127.
2010. BioNav: An Ontology-Based Framework to Discover Semantic Links in the Cloud of Linked Data. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. :441-445.
2009. Flexible and efficient querying and ranking on hyperlinked data sources. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Advances in Database Technology. :553-564.
2009. ApproxRank: Estimating Rank for a Subgraph. IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE '09. :54-65.
2009. Web Monitoring 2.0: Crossing Streams to Satisfy Complex Data Needs. IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE '09. :1215-1218.
2008. Exploiting ontology structure and patterns of annotation to mine significant associations between pairs of controlled vocabulary terms. Data Integration in the Life Sciences. :44-60.
2008. Capturing Approximated Data Delivery Tradeoffs. Data Engineering, 2008. ICDE 2008. IEEE 24th International Conference on. :1471-1473.
2008. Satisfying Complex Data Needs using Pull-Based Online Monitoring of Volatile Data Sources. Data Engineering, International Conference on. :1465-1467.
2007. Bid based scheduler with backfilling for a multiprocessor system. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Electronic commerce. :459-468.
2007. Using annotations from controlled vocabularies to find meaningful associations. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Data integration in the life sciences. :247-263.
2007. BIPASS: BioInformatics Pipeline Alternative Splicing Services. Nucleic Acids Research. 35(Web Server issue):W292-W292.
2006. ProMo-A Scalable and Efficient Framework for Online Data Delivery. Lecture notes in computer science. 4032:359-359.
2006. Query planning in the presence of overlapping sources. Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2006. :811-828.
2006. Implementing a bioinformatics pipeline (bip) on a mediator platform: Comparing cost and quality of alternate choices. Data Engineering Workshops, 2006. Proceedings. 22nd International Conference on. :67-67.
2006. Query planning in the presence of overlapping sources. Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2006. :811-828.
2006. Query Rewriting in the Semantic Web7. Data Engineering Workshops, 22nd International Conference on. :7-7.
2006. Adaptive pull-based policies for wide area data delivery. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS). 31(2):631-671.
2005. A data model and query language to explore enhanced links and paths in life science sources. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Workshop on The Web and Databases (WebDB).
2005. Query planning for the grid: adapting to dynamic resource availability. Cluster Computing and the Grid, IEEE International Symposium on. 2:751-758.
2005. Using Non-random Associations for Predicting Latency in WANs. Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2005.
2004. Exploiting multiple paths to express scientific queries. 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2004. Proceedings. :357-360.
2004. Techniques for optimization of queries on integrated biological resources. Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology. 2(2):375-412.
2004. Wide area performance monitoring using aggregate latency profiles. Web Engineering. :771-775.
2004. Challenges in selecting paths for navigational queries: Trade-off of benefit of path versus cost of plan. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on the Web and Databases: colocated with ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2004. :61-66.
2004. Efficient techniques to explore and rank paths in life science data sources. Data Integration in the Life Sciences. :187-202.
2004. Links and paths through life sciences data sources. Data Integration in the Life Sciences. :203-211.
2004. Querying Web-Accessible Life Science Sources: Which paths to choose? Proceedings of VLDB Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb-2004). :83-83.
2003. A query language to support scientific discovery. Proc. 2nd IEEE International Computer Society.
2003. Latency Profiles: Performance Monitoring for Wide Area Applications. Internet Applications, IEEE Workshop on. :74-74.
2002. Using latency-recency profiles for data delivery on the web. Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Very Large Data Bases. :550-561.
2002. Locating and accessing data repositories with WebSemantics. The VLDB journal. 11(1):47-57.
2001. Source Selection and Ranking in the WebSemantics Architecture Using Quality of Data Metadata-1 Introduction. Advances in Computers. 55:89-90.
2001. Optimized seamless integration of biomolecular data. Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Conference, 2001. :23-32.
2001. Validating an access cost model for wide area applications. Cooperative Information Systems. :371-385.
2000. Efficient remote data access in a mobile computing environment. ICPP. :57-57.
2000. Logic-based query optimization for object databases. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 12(4):529-547.
2000. Exploiting concurrency in a DBMS implementation for production systems. Proceedings of the first international symposium on Databases in parallel and distributed systems. :34-45.
2000. Web Query Optimizer. Data Engineering, International Conference on. :661-661.
2000. Using quality of data metadata for source selection and ranking. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB. :93-98.
2000. Producing Interoperable Queries for Relational and Object-Oriented Databases. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 14(1):51-75.
2000. Learning response time for websources using query feedback and application in query optimization. The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases. 9(1):18-37.
1998. A Meta-Wrapper for Scaling up to Multiple Autonomous Distributed Information Sources. Cooperative Information Systems, IFCIS International Conference on. :148-148.
1998. Wrapper generation for Web accessible data sources. 3rd IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, 1998. Proceedings. :14-23.
1998. Optimization of wrappers and mediators for web accessible data sources (websources). Workshop Web Inf. Data Management (WIDM), Washington DC.
1997. The distributed information search component (disco) and the world wide web. Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data.
1997. Semantic query optimization for object databases. Data Engineering, 1997. Proceedings. 13th International Conference on. :444-453.
1997. Semantic query optimization for object databases. Data Engineering, 1997. Proceedings. 13th International Conference on. :444-453.
1996. A methodology for query reformulation in CIS using semantic knowledge. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 5(4):431-468.
1996. Scaling heterogeneous databases and the design of DISCO. ICDCS. :449-449.
1996. Answering queries using OQL view expressions. In Workshop on Materialized Views, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD.
1995. Interoperable query processing from object to relational schemas based on a parameterized canonical representation. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst.. 4(1):81-120.
1994. Query transformation techniques for interoperable query processing in cooperative information systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS94), May. :17-20.
1994. A Semantics for a class of non-deterministic and causal production system programs. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 12(3):305-349.
1994. Transforming queries from a relational schema to an object schema: A prototype based on F-logic. Methodologies for Intelligent SystemsMethodologies for Intelligent Systems. 869:154-163.
1994. A simulation-based study on the concurrent execution of rules in a database environment. Journal of Parallel and Distributed computing. 20(1):20-42.
1993. Interoperable query processing with multiple heterogeneous knowledge servers. Proceedings of the second international conference on Information and knowledge management. :461-470.
1993. Query mapping and transformation techniques for problem solving with multiple knowledge servers. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-93).
1993. An Experimental Study of Three Dataflow Paradigms in Multithreaded Database Transitive Closure Algorithms on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 18(3):371-389.
1993. Transitive closure: an experimental case study of three multithreaded database algorithms on a shared memory multiprocessor. Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, 1993., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on. :255-259.
1993. Coupling production systems and database systems: A homogeneous approach. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 5(2):240-256.
1992. Semantics for Rule-based Programs that Express Non-determinism, Causality and Exception Handling Behavior. Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP. :163-174.