Jim Reggia
James A. Reggia is a professor emeritus of computer science with joint appointments in UMIACS and in the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
His research interests span neural computation, artificial intelligence, genetic programming, and artificial life.
Reggia has authored more than 200 refereed journal and conference papers in these areas. Recently he has focused on developing new methods for creating large-scale integrated neuro-computational systems as a basis or machine intelligence and neurocognitive modeling. This work has included modeling of specific cortical regions for visual and language processing, and modeling of basic cortical mechanisms, such as self-organizing map formation, learning to process temporal sequences, emergence of hemispheric asymmetries and specialization, and working memory.
His past work has been funded by DARPA, ONR, NSF, NIH, and multiple industry sources. He routinely teaches computer science graduate courses in neural computation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary computation, and artificial life.
Reggia holds a doctorate in computer science from the University of Maryland and an M.D. in clinical neurology.
Go here to view Reggia‘s academic publications.
1984. Simulation of phonemic errors using artificial intelligence symbol processing techniques. Proceedings of the 17th annual symposium on Simulation. :49-64.
1983. Expert systems based on set covering model. International Journal on Man-Machine Studies. 19:443-460.
1983. S., Wang. PY, Diagnostic Expert Systems Based on a Set Covering Model. International Journal on Man-Machine studies. 19:437–46O-437–46O.
1983. Diagnostic expert systems based on a set covering model. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 19(5):437-460.
1983. The case for artificial intelligence in medicine. Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1983. Proceedings. The Seventh Annual Symposium on. :4-7.
1983. Transferability of medical decision support systems based on Bayesian classification. Medical Decision Making. 3(4):501-501.
1983. A New Inference Method for Frame-based Expert System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :333-337.
1983. The Role of Spatial Knowledge in Expert Systems. Representation and Processing of Spatial Knowledge, TR-1275. Dept. of Comp. sci „Univ. of Maryland, May. :3-8.
1982. KMS reference manual. Dep. Comput. Sci., Univ. Maryland, College Park, Tech. Rep. TR-1136.
1981. Knowledge-based decision support systems: Development through high-level languages. Proc. 20th Ann. Tech. Meeting of Wash. DC ACM.
1981. Bayesian classification in medicine: The transferability question. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. :250-252.
1981. Computer-assisted medical decision making: a critical review. Annals of biomedical engineering. 9(5):605-619.
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