Jim Reggia

Professor Emeritus
2252 Iribe Center
(301) 405-2686
(301) 405-6707
Ph.D., University of Maryland (Computer Science)

James A. Reggia is a professor emeritus of computer science with joint appointments in UMIACS and in the Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

His research interests span neural computation, artificial intelligence, genetic programming, and artificial life.

Reggia has authored more than 200 refereed journal and conference papers in these areas. Recently he has focused on developing new methods for creating large-scale integrated neuro-computational systems as a basis or machine intelligence and neurocognitive modeling. This work has included modeling of specific cortical regions for visual and language processing, and modeling of basic cortical mechanisms, such as self-organizing map formation, learning to process temporal sequences, emergence of hemispheric asymmetries and specialization, and working memory.

His past work has been funded by DARPA, ONR, NSF, NIH, and multiple industry sources. He routinely teaches computer science graduate courses in neural computation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary computation, and artificial life.

Reggia holds a doctorate in computer science from the University of Maryland and an M.D. in clinical neurology.

Go here to view Reggia‘s academic publications.



Tuhrim S, Reggia JA, Peng Y.  1994.  High-specificity neurological localization using a connectionist model. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 6(6):521-532.

Cho S, Reggia JA.  1994.  Map formation in proprioceptive cortex.. International journal of neural systems. 5(2):87-87.

Weinrich M, Sutton GG, Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL.  1994.  Adaptation of noncompetitive and competitive neural networks to focal lesions. Journal of Artificial Neural Networks. 1:51-60.

Chou HH, Reggia JA, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Wu J.  1994.  An extended cellular space method for simulating autocatalytic oligonucleotides. Computers & chemistry. 18(1):33-43.

Baykal N, Reggia JA, Yalabik N, Erkmen A, Beksac MS.  1994.  Interpretation of Doppler blood flow velocity waveforms using neural networks.. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care.

Sutton GG, Reggia JA.  1994.  Effects of normalization constraints on competitive learning. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on. 5(3):502-504.

Armentrout SL, Reggia JA, Weinrich M.  1994.  A neural model of cortical map reorganization following a focal lesion. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 6(5):383-400.

Sutton III GG, Reggia JA, Armentrout SL, D'Autrechy CL.  1994.  Cortical map reorganization as a competitive process. Neural Computation. 6(1):1-13.


Reggia JA, Armentrout SL, Chou HH, Peng Y.  1993.  Simple systems that exhibit template-directed replication. Science. 259:1282-1287.

Reggia JA.  1993.  Neural computation in medicine. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 5(2):143-157.

Cho S, Reggia JA.  1993.  Learning competition and cooperation. Neural computation. 5(2):242-259.

Cho S, Reggia JA.  1993.  Multiple disorder diagnosis with adaptive competitive neural networks. Artificial intelligence in medicine. 5(6):469-487.


D'Autrechy CL, Reggia JA, Berndt RS.  1992.  Software approaches to segmentation analysis. Computer Science Technical Report Series; Vol. CS-TR-2991.

Peng Y, Reggia JA, Li T.  1992.  A connectionist approach to vertex covering problems. Int’l J. Neural Systems. 3(1):43-56.

Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL, Sutton III GG, Weinrich M.  1992.  A competitive distribution theory of neocortical dynamics. Neural Computation. 4(3):287-317.

Cho S, Reggia JA.  1992.  Learning visual coordinate transformations with competition. Neural Networks, 1992. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on. 4:49-54.

Reggia JA, Sutton G, D'Autrechy CL, Weinrich M.  1992.  Lateral cortical inhibition without lateral inhibitory connections. Neural Networks, 1992. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on. 3:415-420vol.3-415-420vol.3.


Reggia JA, Sutton G, Cho S.  1991.  Competitive activation mechanisms in connectionist models. Advances in control networks and large-scale parallel distributed processing models. 1:119-119.

Reggia JA, Peng Y, Bourret P.  1991.  Recent applications of competitive activation mechanisms. Neural Networks: Advances and Applications.

Tuhrim S, Reggia JA, Goodall S.  1991.  An experimental study of criteria for hypothesis plausibility. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 3(2):129-144.


Chu BTB, Reggia JA.  1990.  Diagnostic reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction. AI Systems in Government Conference, 1990. Proceedings., Fifth Annual.

Doszkocs TE, Reggia JA, others.  1990.  Connectionist models and information retrieval. Annual review of information science and technology. 25:209-262.

Sutton III GG, Reggia JA, Maisog JM.  1990.  Supervised and reinforced competitive learning. Neural Networks, 1990., 1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on.

Reggia JA, D'Autrechy CL.  1990.  Parsimonious covering theory in cognitive diagnosis and adaptive instruction. Diagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge AcquisitionDiagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge Acquisition.

Sutton III GG, Reggia JA, Maisog JM.  1990.  Competitive learning using competitive activation rules. Neural Networks, 1990., 1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on.

Chu B-TB, Reggia JA.  1990.  Modeling diagnostic problem-solving at multiple levels of abstraction. Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1990., Sixth Conference on.


Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1989.  A connectionist model for diagnostic problem solving. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on. 19(2):285-298.

Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1989.  A comfort measure for diagnostic problem solving. Information Sciences. 47(2):149-184.

Chang AE, Steinberg SM, Culnane M, Lampert MH, Reggia JA, Simpson CG, Hicks JE, White DE, Yang JJ, Glatstein E.  1989.  Functional and psychosocial effects of multimodality limb-sparing therapy in patients with soft tissue sarcomas. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 7(9):1217-1217.

Tagamets MA, Reggia JA.  1989.  A data flow implementation of a competition-based connectionist model* 1. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 6(3):704-714.

Wald J, Farach M, Tagamets M, Reggia JA.  1989.  Generating plausible diagnostic hypotheses with self-processing causal networks. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 1(2):91-112.

Bourret P, Reggia JA.  1989.  A method for interactive satellite failure diagnosis: Towards a connectionist solution. NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center, The 1989 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence p 143-152(SEE N 89-26578 20-63).

D'Autrechy CL, Reggia JA.  1989.  Parallel plan execution with self-processing networks. Telematics and Informatics. 6(3-4):145-157.

Whitfield KC, Goodall SM, Reggia JA.  1989.  A connectionist model for dynamic control. Telematics and Informatics. 6(3-4):375-390.

Reggia JA.  1989.  Methods for deriving competitive activation mechanisms. Neural Networks, 1989. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on.


Sekar S, Reggia JA.  1988.  Parallel set covering algorithms. Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1988., Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on.

D'Autrechy CL, Reggia JA, Sutton GG, Goodall SM.  1988.  A general-purpose simulation environment for developing connectionist models. Simulation. 51(1):5-5.

Reggia JA, Sutton III GG.  1988.  Self-processing networks and their biomedical implications. Proceedings of the IEEE. 76(6):680-692.

Reggia JA.  1988.  Artificial neural systems in medical science and practice.. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 5(3):4-4.

Wang PY, Seidman SB, Reggia JA.  1988.  Analysis of competition-based spreading activation in connectionist models. International journal of man-machine studies. 28(1):77-97.


Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1987.  A probabilistic causal model for diagnostic problem solving (parts 1 and 2). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Peng Y, Reggia JA.  1987.  Diagnostic problem-solving with causal chaining. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2(3):265-302.

Reggia JA, Peng Y.  1987.  Modeling diagnostic reasoning: a summary of parsimonious covering theory. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 25(2):125-134.

Reggia JA.  1987.  Properties of a competition-based activation mechanism in neuromimetic network models. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neural Networks.


Ahuja SB, Reggia JA.  1986.  The parsimonious covering model for inexact abductive reasoning in diagnostic systems. Recent Developments in the Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Sets. Proceedings of NAFIPS.

Ramsey CL, Reggia JA, Nau DS, Ferrentino A.  1986.  A comparative analysis of methods for expert systems. International journal of man-machine studies. 24(5):475-499.

Nau DS, Reggia JA.  1986.  Relationships between deductive and abductive inference in knowledge-based diagnostic problem solving. Expert Database Systems: Proceedings of the First International Workshop. New York: Benjamin Cummings.

Reggia JA, Berndt RS.  1986.  Modelling reading aloud and its relevance to acquired dyslexia. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 22(1):13-19.


Reggia JA.  1985.  Evaluation of Medical Expert Systems: A Case Study in Performance Analysis. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care.

Reggia JA, Perricone BT, Nau DS, Peng Y.  1985.  Answer Justification in Diagnostic Expert Systems-Part II: Supporting Plausible Justifications. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on.

Reggia JA.  1985.  Abductive inference. Proceedigns of the Expert Systems in Government Symposium.

Reggia JA, Perricone B, Nau DS, Peng Y.  1985.  Answer justification in abductive expert systems for diagnostic problem solving. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

Reggia JA, Nau DS, Wang P, Peng Y.  1985.  A formal model of abductive inference. Information Sciences. 37:227-285.


Reggia JA, Tabb DR, Price TR, Banko M, Hebel R.  1984.  Computer-aided assessment of transient ischemic attacks. A clinical evaluation.. Archives of neurology. 41(12):1248-1248.

Morris MS, Reggia JA, Ahuja SB, Hart J, Watson V.  1984.  SLIPS. Journal of Medical Systems. 8(3):197-204.

Reggia JA, Nau DS.  1984.  An abductive non-monotonic logic. Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
