Joseph JaJa
Joseph JaJa is a professor emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
His current research interests are in high performance computing, long-term management and preservation of digital information, and large scale data management, analysis, and visualization.
JaJa is the director of cyberinfrastructure at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. He also serves in a leadership role in a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) solely dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity and protecting national information systems.
JaJa has also received numerous awards including the IEEE Fellow Award in 1996, the 1997 R&D Award for the development software for tuning parallel programs, the ACM Fellow Award in 2000, and the Internet2 IDEA Award in 2006. He has served on several editorial boards, and is a subject area editor for the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing and as an editor for the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science.
JaJa received his doctorate in applied mathematics from Harvard University, and has since published extensively in a number of areas including parallel and distributed computing, theoretical computer science, circuits and systems, and data-intensive computing.
Go here to view JaJa's academic publications.
1996. On combining technology and theory in search of a parallel computation model. Parallel Processing, 1996. Proceedings of the 1996 ICPP Workshop on Challenges for. :115-123.
1996. Fast algorithms for removing atmospheric effects from satellite images. Computational Science Engineering, IEEE. 3(2):66-77.
1996. Practical parallel algorithms for dynamic data redistribution, median finding, and selection. Parallel Processing Symposium, 1996., Proceedings of IPPS '96, The 10th International. :292-301.
1996. Practical parallel algorithms for personalized communication and integer sorting. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA). 1
1996. Efficient algorithms for estimating atmospheric parameters for surface reflectance retrieval. Parallel Processing, 1996., Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on. 2:132-141vol.2-132-141vol.2.
1996. The block distributed memory model. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 7(8):830-840.
1996. Parallel algorithms for image enhancement and segmentation by region growing, with an experimental study. The Journal of Supercomputing. 10(2):141-168.
1996. An on-line variable-length binary encoding of text. Information Sciences. 94(1–4):1-22.
1996. Sorting strings and constructing digital search trees in parallel. Theoretical Computer Science. 154(2):225-245.
1996. Parallel algorithms for personalized communication and sorting with an experimental study (extended abstract). Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures. :211-222.
1995. Enhancing LZW Coding Using a Variable-Length Binary Encoding. ISR-TR-1995-70
1995. Using synthetic perturbations and statistical screening to assay shared-memory programs. Information processing letters. 54(3):147-153.
1995. Land cover dynamics investigation using parallel computers. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1995. IGARSS '95. 'Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications', International. 1:332-334vol.1-332-334vol.1.
1995. Efficient Algorithms for Atmospheric Correction of Remotely Sensed Data. Supercomputing, 1995. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC95 Conference. :12-12.
1995. Efficient image processing algorithms on the scan line array processor. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 17(1):47-56.
1995. Scalable data parallel algorithms for texture synthesis using Gibbs random fields. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 4(10):1456-1460.
1995. Parallel algorithms for image histogramming and connected components with an experimental study (extended abstract). ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 30(8):123-133.
1995. An Optimal Ear Decomposition Algorithm with Applications on Fixed-Size Linear Arrays. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING.
1994. Special issue on data parallel algorithms and programming. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 21(1):1-3.
1994. An efficient parallel algorithm for the single function coarsest partition problem. Theoretical computer science. 129(2):293-307.
1994. The block distributed memory model for shared memory multiprocessors. Parallel Processing Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., Eighth International. :752-756.
1994. Top-Bottom Routing around a Rectangle is as Easy as Computing Prefix Minima. SIAM Journal on Computing. 23(3):449-465.
1993. Using Synthetic-Perturbation Techniques for Tuning Shared Memory Programs. Parallel Processing, 1993. ICPP 1993. International Conference on. 2:2-10.
1993. Optimal algorithms on the pipelined hypercube and related networks. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 4(5):582-591.
1993. Systolic architectures for finite-state vector quantization. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. 5(2):249-259.
1993. VLSI implementation of a tree searched vector quantizer. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 41(2):901-905.
1992. On the difficulty of Manhattan channel routing. Information Processing Letters. 44(5):281-284.
1992. Load balancing and routing on the hypercube and related networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 14(4):431-435.
1992. VLSI Implementation of Real-Time Parallel DCT/DST Lattice Structures for Video. ISR-TR-1992-34
1991. Parallel algorithms for VLSI routing. Integration, the VLSI Journal. 12(3):305-320.
1991. Optimal algorithms for adjacent side routing. Algorithmica. 6(1):565-578.
1991. VLSI architectures for multidimensional transforms. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 40(9):1053-1057.
1991. VLSI architectures for template matching and block matching. Parallel architectures and algorithms for image understanding. :3-27.
1991. Parallel Algorithms for Channel Routing in the Knock-Knee Model. SIAM Journal on Computing. 20(2):228-245.
1990. Load balancing on the hypercube and related networks. Proceedings of 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing. 1:203-210.
1990. Systolic architectures for the computation of the discrete Hartley and the discrete cosine transforms based on prime factor decomposition. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 39(11):1359-1368.
1990. An efficient parallel algorithm for channel routing. Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1990. ICCD '90. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE International Conference on. :400-403.
1990. Efficient algorithms for list ranking and for solving graph problems on the hypercube. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 1(1):83-90.
1989. On routing two-terminal nets in the presence of obstacles. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 8(5):563-570.
1989. List ranking on the Hypercube. Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Parallel Processing. 3:20-23.
1989. A new approach to realizing partially symmetric functions. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 38(6):896-898.
1988. Parallel algorithms for planar graph isomorphism and related problems. Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 35(3):304-311.
1988. Optimal Architectures for Multidimensional Transforms. ISR-TR-1988-39
1988. Input sensitive VLSI layouts for graphs of arbitrary degree. VLSI Algorithms and Architectures. :268-277.
1985. VLSI Architectures Based on the Small N Algorithms. ISR-TR-1985-8
1985. Lower bounds on monotone arithmetic circuits with restricted depths. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 11(12):1155-1164.
1985. A High-Level Interactive System for Designing VLSI Signal Processors. ISR-TR-1985-7
1985. A New Approach for Compiling Boolean Functions. ISR; TR 1985-39
1984. Information Transfer in Distributed Computing with Applications to VLSI. Journal of the ACM (JACM). 31(1):150-162.
1982. On the relationship between the biconnectivity augmentation and traveling salesman problem. Theoretical Computer Science. 19(2):189-201.