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Journal Articles
Mahajan R, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Visual and textual consistency checking tools for graphical user interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 23(11):722-735.
Catalyurek U, Beynon MD, Chang C, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J.  2003.  The virtual microscope. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 7(4):230-248.
Raschid L, Fei T, Lam H, Su SYW.  1986.  A Special-Function Unit for Sorting and Sort-Based Database Operations. IEEE Transactions on Computers. C-35(12):1071-1077.
Plaisant C, Carr D, Shneiderman B.  1995.  Image-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers. IEEE Software. 12(2):21-32.
Shneiderman B.  2007.  Human Responsibility for Autonomous Agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 22(2):60-61.
Lee I, Pappas GJ, Cleaveland R, Hatcliff J, Krogh BH, Lee P, Rubin H, Sha L.  2006.  High-confidence medical device software and systems. Computer. 39(4):33-38.
Conference Papers
Shneiderman B.  2000.  Supporting creativity with powerful composition tools for artifacts and performances. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2000.