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2013. Distinct Rap1 Activity States Control the Extent of Epithelial Invagination via α-Catenin. Developmental Cell. 25(3):299-309.
2013. Distribution of Virulence Genes in Clinical and Environmental Vibrio cholerae Strains in Bangladesh. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (18):5782-5785.
2013. Document Image Quality Assessment: A Brief Survey. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
2013. Drug response and genetic properties of Vibrio cholerae associated with endemic cholera in north-eastern Thailand, 2003-2011. Journal of Medical Microbiology. :599-609.
2013. Engaging Actively with Issues in the Responsible Conduct of Science: Lessons from International Efforts Are Relevant for Undergraduate Education in the United States. CBE—Life Sciences Education. (4):596-603.
2013. Environmental Factors Influencing Epidemic Cholera. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 89(3):597-607.
2013. Exploring early designs for teaching anatomy and physiology to children using wearable e-textiles. IDC '13 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. :577-580.
2013. Exploring Early Solutions for Automatically Identifying Inaccessible Sidewalks in the Physical World Using Google Street View. HCIC 2013.
2013. Fostering advances in interdisciplinary climate science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Supplement_114869243Supplement_1):3653-3656.
2013. "I Want to Imagine How That Place Looks": Designing Technologies to Support Connectivity Between Africans Living Abroad and Home. SIGCHI '13. :2755-2764.
2013. Identification of bacteria in enrichment cultures of sulfate reducers in the Cariaco Basin water column employing Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Aquatic Biosystems. 9(1):17.
2013. Improving public transit accessibility for blind riders by crowdsourcing bus stop landmark locations with Google street view. The 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference. :16-8.
2013. An Initial Study of Automatic Curb Ramp Detection with Crowdsourced Verification Using Google Street View Images. First AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.
2013. Large-Scale Signature Matching Using Multi-stage Hashing. Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2013 12th International Conference on. :976-980.
2013. Mind the Theoretical Gap: Interpreting, Using, and Developing Behavioral Theory in HCI Research. CHI 2013 To Appear.
2013. Modeling topic control to detect influence in conversations using nonparametric topic models. Machine Learning. :1-41.
2013. A new integrative conjugative element detected in Haitian isolates of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139. Research in Microbiology. 164(9):891-893.
2013. Ocean Warming and Spread of Pathogenic Vibrios in the Aquatic Environment. Microbial Ecology. :817-825.
2013. Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Infinite Vocabulary. International Conference on Machine Learning. 2013_icml_infvoc.pdf (985.1 KB)
2013. Parallel and Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption. Financial Cryptography and Data Security. :258-274.