Understanding IV & V in a safety critical and complex evolutionary environment: the NASA space shuttle program

TitleUnderstanding IV & V in a safety critical and complex evolutionary environment: the NASA space shuttle program
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsZelkowitz MV, Rus I
Conference NameProceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering
Date Published2001///
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Conference LocationWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0-7695-1050-7
KeywordsEvolutionary software, Life and mission critical software, metrics, Process characterization, Software independent verification and validation, Software safety and reliability, Space Shuttle program

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an internationally recognized leader in space science and exploration. NASA recognizes the inherent risk associated with space exploration; however, NASA makes every reasonable effort to minimize that risk. To that end for the Space Shuttle program NASA instituted a software independent verification and validation (IV&V) process in 1988 to ensure that the Shuttle and its crew are not exposed to any unnecessary risks. Using data provided by both the Shuttle software developer and the IV&V contractor, in this paper we describe the overall IV&V process as used on the Space Shuttle program and provide an analysis of the use of metrics to document and control this process. Our findings reaffirm the value of IV&V and show the impact IV&V has on multiple releases of a large complex software system.
