A secure PLAN

TitleA secure PLAN
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsHicks MW, Keromytis AD, Smith JM
JournalIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews
Pagination413 - 426
Date Published2003/08//
ISBN Number1094-6977
Keywordsactive networks, active-network firewall, Authentication, Authorization, Contracts, cryptography, Environmental management, Extraterrestrial measurements, functionally restricted packet language, general-purpose service routines, Internet, latency overhead, namespace-based security, packet switching, PLANet, Planets, privilege level, programmable networks, Safety, safety risks, secure PLAN, security of data, security risks, trust management, two-level architecture, virtual private network, Virtual private networks, Web and internet services

Active networks, being programmable, promise greater flexibility than current networks. Programmability, however, may introduce safety and security risks. This correspondence describes the design and implementation of a security architecture for the active network PLANet. Security is obtained with a two-level architecture that combines a functionally restricted packet language, PLAN, with an environment of general-purpose service routines governed by trust management. In particular, a technique is used which expands or contracts a packet's service environment based on its level of privilege, termed namespace-based security. The design and implementation of an active-network firewall and virtual private network is used as an application of the security architecture. Measurements of the system show that the addition of the firewall imposes an approximately 34% latency overhead and as little as a 6.7% space overhead to incoming packets.
