A new framework for addressing temporal range queries and some preliminary results

TitleA new framework for addressing temporal range queries and some preliminary results
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsShi Q, JaJa JF
JournalTheoretical Computer Science
Pagination109 - 121
Date Published2005/02/28/
ISBN Number0304-3975
Keywordsalgorithms, Data structures, Orthogonal range search, temporal data

Given a set of n objects, each characterized by d attributes specified at m fixed time instances, we are interested in the problem of designing space efficient indexing structures such that a class of temporal range search queries can be handled efficiently. When m = 1 , our problem reduces to the d-dimensional orthogonal search problem. We establish efficient data structures to handle several classes of the general problem. Our results include a linear size data structure that enables a query time of O ( log n log m + f ) for one-sided queries when d = 1 , where f is the number of objects satisfying the query. A similar result is shown for counting queries. We also show that the most general problem can be solved with a polylogarithmic query time using superlinear space data structures.
