Decoupled query optimization for federated database systems

TitleDecoupled query optimization for federated database systems
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsDeshpande A, Hellerstein JM
Conference Name18th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings
Date Published2002///
ISBN Number0-7695-1531-2
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, Cohera federated database, Computer science, Corporate acquisitions, Cost function, Database systems, decoupled optimization, Design optimization, distributed databases, federated databases, federated relational database systems, Internet, Query optimization, query optimizer, Query processing, Relational databases, Space exploration

We study the problem of query optimization in federated relational database systems. The nature of federated databases explicitly decouples many aspects of the optimization process, often making it imperative for the optimizer to consult underlying data sources while doing cost-based optimization. This not only increases the cost of optimization, but also changes the trade-offs involved in the optimization process significantly. The dominant cost in the decoupled optimization process is the "cost of costing" that traditionally has been considered insignificant. The optimizer can only afford a few rounds of messages to the underlying data sources and hence the optimization techniques in this environment must be geared toward gathering all the required cost information with minimal communication. In this paper, we explore the design space for a query optimizer in this environment and demonstrate the need for decoupling various aspects of the optimization process. We present minimum-communication decoupled variants of various query optimization techniques, and discuss tradeoffs in their performance in this scenario. We have implemented these techniques in the Cohera federated database system and our experimental results, somewhat surprisingly, indicate that a simple two-phase optimization scheme performs fairly well as long as the physical database design is known to the optimizer, though more aggressive algorithms are required otherwise
