Assigning cameras to subjects in video surveillance systems

TitleAssigning cameras to subjects in video surveillance systems
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsEl-Alfy H, Jacobs DW, Davis LS
Conference NameRobotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA '09. IEEE International Conference on
Date Published2009/05//
Keywordsagent, algorithm;multiple, assignment;computation, augmenting, cameras;video, cost, detection;video, graph;camera, MATCHING, matching;minimum, matching;target, path;bipartite, reduction;maximum, segment;video, Surveillance, surveillance;, system;graph, theory;image, TIME, tracking;obstacle, tracking;video, video

We consider the problem of tracking multiple agents moving amongst obstacles, using multiple cameras. Given an environment with obstacles, and many people moving through it, we construct a separate narrow field of view video for as many people as possible, by stitching together video segments from multiple cameras over time. We employ a novel approach to assign cameras to people as a function of time, with camera switches when needed. The problem is modeled as a bipartite graph and the solution corresponds to a maximum matching. As people move, the solution is efficiently updated by computing an augmenting path rather than by solving for a new matching. This reduces computation time by an order of magnitude. In addition, solving for the shortest augmenting path minimizes the number of camera switches at each update. When not all people can be covered by the available cameras, we cluster as many people as possible into small groups, then assign cameras to groups using a minimum cost matching algorithm. We test our method using numerous runs from different simulators.
