RI: Medium: Improving Robustness with Generalized Meta-Cognition

Brittleness has been a resistant problem in artificial intelligence, stymieing the search for robust automated systems - ones that do not break when confronted with even slight deviations from their intended domains and scenarios. Consequently, a solution to the brittleness problem will be a major step toward truly intelligent machines. This project is aimed at achieving this by means of a specialized module, the metacognitive loop (MCL). MCL is a monitoring-and-control module that can be attached to a given "host" system, thereby yielding an improved system.

Principal Investigators

University Partnership with the Laboratory for Telecommunications Science (LTS)

The University of Maryland, through UMIACS, has established a partnership with the Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences (LTS) based on collaborative research programs covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the design, performance, and the management of distributed heterogeneous networks. In addition, this partnership involves strong outreach activities including collaboration with industrial partners and the organization of focused workshops and seminar series in emerging technology areas in telecommunications sciences.

Principal Investigators


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