UMD and Carr Astronautics Announce New Corporate Partnership

Apr 16, 2013

University of Maryland Press Release
April 5, 2013

COLLEGE PARK, MD - The University of Maryland (UMD) today announced Carr Astronautics as its newest member of the Corporate Partners in Computing (CPIC) program. The program provides companies with unique benefits for collaboration with UMD, including several opportunities for student engagement as well as the possibility to embark on mutually beneficial and collaborative research ventures with faculty. This program, in turn, enables UMD to gain insight into industry trends, learn more about what research area corporations in the computing field are pursuing, and acquire feedback from leaders in the industry on computing curriculum and research.

"We are thrilled to have Carr Astronautics join as a partner in computing," said Dr. Samir Khuller, Chair of the Department of Computer Science. "Carr remains an active recruiter of our undergraduates, and we look forward to exploring with them additional ways in which our faculty can collaborate with Carr on joint research projects," added Dr. Khuller.

“The University of Maryland has always been central to our success. Many of our professional staff graduated from Maryland, mostly with CS or Physics degrees. We are very enthusiastic about the prospects for strengthening our relationship with this partnership,” said Dr. Carr, president and CEO of Carr Astronautics.

Carr Astronautics joins other prominent members in the Corporate Partners in Computing Program such as Appian, Google, Yahoo!, CyberData Technologies, Palantir Technologies, TATA Consultancy Services, Susquehanna International Group, and Dante Consulting.

About Carr Astronautics:
Carr Astronautics is dedicated to advancing science and engineering through forward-leaning solutions and services, executed professionally and efficiently. Since 1991, their national and international collaborations with U.S., European, Japanese, and Korean satellite programs have advanced weather observing around the world. Carr Astronautics Corporation provides superior service in the fields of science, engineering, IT and technical support to worldwide government, industry, and academic clients.

Carr’s highly specified workforce includes experts in key domains: spacecraft physics, mathematics, meteorology, software engineering, and science data processing and product design. For more information, please visit