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Journal Articles
Zaitchik B.F, Guikema S.D, Haley B.J, Taviani E., Chen A., Brown M.E., Huq A., Colwell RR.  2015.  Use of Environmental Parameters to Model Pathogenic Vibrios in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Environmental Informatics.
Alivisatos A.P, Blaser M.J, Brodie E.L, Chun M., Dangl J.L, Donohue T.J, Dorrestein P.C, Gilbert J.A, Green J.L, Jansson J.K et al..  2015.  A unified initiative to harness Earth's microbiomes. Science. (62607551614341176):507-508.
Ambainis A, Gasarch W, Srinivasan A, Utis A.  2006.  Session 8A-Combinatorial Optimization and Quantum Computing-Lower Bounds on the Deterministic and Quantum Communication Complexities of Hamming-Distance Problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4288:628-637.
Udrea O, Lumezanu C, Foster JS.  2008.  Rule-based static analysis of network protocol implementations. Information and Computation. 206(2):130-157.
Banerjee S, Agarwal S, Kamel K, Kochut A, Kommareddy C, Nadeem T, Thakkar P, Trinh B, Youssef A, Youssef M et al..  2002.  Rover: scalable location-aware computing. Computer. 35(10):46-53.
Colwell RR, Unnikrishnan A, Jutla A, Huq A, Akanda A.  2015.  Predictive Time Series Analysis Linking Bengal Cholera with Terrestrial Water Storage Measured from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Sensors. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 93(6):1179-1186.
Hadley D, Murphy T, Valladares O, Hannenhalli S, Ungar L, Kim J, Bućan M.  2006.  Patterns of sequence conservation in presynaptic neural genes. Genome Biology. 7(11):R105-R105.
Albanese M, Chellappa R, Cuntoor N, Moscato V, Picariello A, V.S. Subrahmanian, Udrea O.  2010.  PADS: A Probabilistic Activity Detection Framework for Video Data. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 32(12):2246-2261.
Wang J, Ungar L, Tseng H, Hannenhalli S.  2007.  MetaProm: a neural network based meta-predictor for alternative human promoter prediction. BMC Genomics. 8(1):374-374.
Turaga P, Chellappa R, V.S. Subrahmanian, Udrea O.  2008.  Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 18(11):1473-1488.
Nasr-Azadani F, Khan R, Rahimikollu J, Unnikrishnan A, Akanda A, Alam M, Huq A, Jutla A, Colwell RR.  2017.  Hydroclimatic sustainability assessment of changing climate on cholera in the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin. Advances in Water Resources. 108:332-344.
Kurc T, Uysal M, Eom H, Hollingsworth J, Saltz J, Sussman A.  2000.  Efficient performance prediction for large-scale, data-intensive applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 14(3):216-216.
Ghedin E, Wang S, Spiro D, Caler E, Zhao Q, Crabtree J, Allen JE, Delcher AL, Guiliano DB, Miranda-Saavedra D et al..  2007.  Draft Genome of the Filarial Nematode Parasite Brugia Malayi. Science. 317(5845):1756-1760.
Nasr-Azadani F, Unnikrishnan A, Akanda A, Islam S, Alam M, Huq A, Jutla A, Colwell RR.  2015.  Downscaling river discharge to assess the effects of climate change on cholera outbreaks in the Bengal Delta. Climate Research. 64(3):257-274.
Albanese M, Chellappa R, Moscato V, Picariello A, V.S. Subrahmanian, Turaga P, Udrea O.  2008.  A Constrained Probabilistic Petri Net Framework for Human Activity Detection in Video. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 10(6):982-996.
Reggia JA, Schulz R, Wilkinson GS, Uriagereka J.  2001.  Conditions enabling the emergence of inter-agent signalling in an artificial world. Artificial Life. 7(1):3-32.
Read TD, Salzberg SL, Pop M, Shumway M, Umayam L, Jiang L, Holtzapple E, Busch JD, Smith KL, Schupp JM et al..  2002.  Comparative Genome Sequencing for Discovery of Novel Polymorphisms in Bacillus Anthracis. Science. 296(5575):2028-2033.
Udrea O, Getoor L.  2007.  Combining statistical and logical inference for ontology alignment. Workshop on Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
V.S. Subrahmanian, Albanese M, Martinez M?a V, Nau DS, Reforgiato D, Simari GI, Sliva A, Udrea O, Wilkenfeld J.  2007.  CARA: A Cultural-Reasoning Architecture. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 22(2):12-16.
Udrea O, Recupero D R, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2010.  Annotated RDF. ACM Trans. Comput. Logic. 11(2):10:1–10:41-10:1–10:41.
Udrea O, Recupero D, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2006.  Annotated rdf. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. 4011:487-501.
Woods W, Uckun S, Kohane I, Bates J, Hulthage I, Gasser L, Hanks S, Gini M, Ram A, desJardins M et al..  1994.  AAAI 1994 Spring Symposium Series Reports. AI Magazine. 15(3):22-22.
