
Cross-Fertilization Roundtables

The SBP12 Cross-fertilization Roundtable session will be held in the afternoon of the first day of the technical portion of the conference. The purpose of the cross-fertilization roundtables is to help participants become better acquainted with people outside of their discipline and with whom they might consider partnering on a future SBP project.

To accomplish this goal, this workshop will feature 3-4 sessions, each lasting up to 30 minutes. During each session, a number of roundtables will run concurrently. Each roundtable will focus on a different topic (although should demand warrant, there may be duplication of some topics across roundtables). Approximately 8-10 participants will sit at each table. Conference organizers will assign participants to roundtables based on their interests (to be indicated on the tutorial registration form) and will ensure that the composition of each roundtable offers opportunities for behavioral and social scientist to meet systems scientists and vice versa. Thus, by the end of the workshop period, each participant will have had an opportunity to converse with a variety people from complementary disciplines and may have a feel for selected people they might like to collaborate with.

It is the intent of the conference organizers that this workshop will spawn the formation of numerous interdisciplinary investigative teams, and that those teams will collaborate on grant applications to sponsoring funding agencies. More details regarding the preconference tutorial sessions, including instructors, course content, and registration information will be posted to the conference website as soon as this information becomes available at Note that the plans for the post conference workshop are in progress and are subject to change.