Computing & Society
Our researchers are active on multiple fronts that involve education, transportation, accessibility, equality, ethical AI, and much more. We’re developing powerful machine learning tools to advance K–12 classroom outcomes. We’re focused on building new technology to assist those that are sight impaired or have mobility issues. We use powerful data science tools to improve transportation systems. And we’re at the forefront of research and scholarship involving trustworthy and ethical AI. Much of this activity takes places in the multiple centers and several large interdisciplinary labs that UMIACS supports.
Featured News

Developing a Robotic System to Improve Autonomy for People with Mobility Issues
Innovative work with real-world impact by the Robotics Algorithms & Autonomous Systems Lab was recently honored at an IEEE robotics conference.

Breaking Barriers for Blind Web Designers
Researchers at the University of Maryland have developed a novel device that lets blind users design a web layout with their hands, brackets and a baseboard.

Evaluating Machine Translation Systems in Emergency Rooms
Researchers from the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing Lab are looking into the problems that arise when language translation tools provide…