Irina Muresanu

3120 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
DMA, New England Conservatory

Irina Muresanu is a professor of violin and strings in the University of Maryland School of Music. An internationally renowned concert violinist, she continues to fearlessly stretch the boundaries of performance and instruction through her keen interest in the digital humanities and the development of new technologies.

Muresanu’s connection to UMIACS began in 2019, when she collaborated with CMNS Dean Amitabh Varshney on a project, "Four Strings Around the Virtual World," that joined Varshney’s work in virtual and augmented reality with her globally themed solo violin performances.

More recently, Muresanu has been working with UMIACS Research Scientist Cornelia Fermüller and others in the Perception & Robotics Group to develop a violin educational platform that uses machine learning and AI software. This project is an initiative born out of the COVID-pandemic’s challenges for music pedagogy and aims to democratize music education around the world.

Using motion capture technology and other digital tools, the team is looking to gain new insight into visual-motor coordination, auditory feedback, and novel methods for distance learning.

Muresanu received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the New England Conservatory. She plays an 1849 Giuseppe Rocca violin with an Etienne Pajeot bow.