Dana Dachman-Soled
Dana Dachman-Soled is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and a member of the Maryland Cybersecurity Center.
Dachman-Soled’s research focuses on the foundations of cryptography, though her interests extend to property testing of Boolean functions and cryptographic hardness of learning. Her work encompasses a broad range of problems in cryptography, including security against so-called “physical attacks,” secure computation, and foundational problems.
Dachman-Soled received her doctorate in computer science from Columbia University in 2011. She spent two years as a post-doc at Microsoft Research New England before coming to the University of Maryland.
Go here to view Dachman-Soled's academic publications on Google Scholar.
2014. On Minimal Assumptions for Sender-Deniable Public Key Encryption. Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2014. :574-591.
2014. Can Optimally-Fair Coin Tossing Be Based on One-Way Functions? Theory of Cryptography. :217-239.
2013. Adaptive and Concurrent Secure Computation from New Adaptive, Non-malleable Commitments. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2013. :316-336.
2013. Why “Fiat-Shamir for Proofs” Lacks a Proof. Theory of Cryptography. :182-201.
2012. Computational Extractors and Pseudorandomness. Theory of Cryptography. :383-403.
2012. Efficient Password Authenticated Key Exchange via Oblivious Transfer. Public Key Cryptography – PKC 2012. :449-466.
2012. On the Centrality of Off-Line E-Cash to Concrete Partial Information Games. Security and Cryptography for Networks. :264-280.
2012. Securing Circuits against Constant-Rate Tampering. Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2012. :533-551.
2011. On the Black-Box Complexity of Optimally-Fair Coin Tossing. Theory of Cryptography. :450-467.
2011. Secure Efficient Multiparty Computing of Multivariate Polynomials and Applications. Applied Cryptography and Network Security. :130-146.
2011. A Canonical Form for Testing Boolean Function Properties. Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques. :460-471.
2009. Efficient Robust Private Set Intersection. Applied Cryptography and Network Security. :125-142.
2009. Improved Non-committing Encryption with Applications to Adaptively Secure Protocols. Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2009. :287-302.
2009. Simple, Black-Box Constructions of Adaptively Secure Protocols. Theory of Cryptography. :387-402.
2008. Optimal Cryptographic Hardness of Learning Monotone Functions. Automata, Languages and Programming. :36-47.
2008. Black-Box Construction of a Non-malleable Encryption Scheme from Any Semantically Secure One. Theory of Cryptography. :427-444.
2007. Configuration Reasoning and Ontology For Web. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2007. SCC 2007. :387-394.
2007. Geometrical Characteristics of Regular Polyhedra: Application to EXAFS Studies of Nanoclusters. X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE - XAFS13: 13th International Conference. 882:746-748.
2007. Geometry and Charge State of Mixed‐Ligand Au13 Nanoclusters. X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE - XAFS13: 13th International Conference. 882:749-751.
2007. Distribution-Free Testing Lower Bounds for Basic Boolean Functions. Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques. :494-508.