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Journal Articles
Mohapatra H, Mohapatra SS, Mantri CK, Colwell RR, Singh DV.  2008.  Vibrio cholerae non‐O1, non‐O139 strains isolated before 1992 from Varanasi, India are multiple drug resistant, contain intSXT, dfr18 and aadA5 genes. Environmental Microbiology. 10(4):866-873.
Colwell RR.  2009.  Viable but not cultivable bacteria. Uncultivated Microorganisms. :121-129.
Binsztein N, Costagliola MC, Pichel M, Jurquiza V, Ramírez FC, Akselman R, Vacchino M, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2004.  Viable but Nonculturable Vibrio Cholerae O1 in the Aquatic Environment of Argentina. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 70(12):7481-7486.
Binsztein N, Costagliola MC, Pichel M, Jurquiza V, Ramírez FC, Akselman R, Vacchino M, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2004.  Viable but Nonculturable Vibrio Cholerae O1 in the Aquatic Environment of Argentina. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 70(12):7481-7486.
Alam M, Sultana M, Nair GB, Siddique AK, Hasan NA, Sack RB, Sack DA, Ahmed KU, Sadique A, Watanabe H et al..  2007.  Viable but nonculturable Vibrio cholerae O1 in biofilms in the aquatic environment and their role in cholera transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(45):17801-17801.
Elseaidy WM, Baugh JW, Cleaveland R.  1996.  Verification of an active control system using temporal process algebra. Engineering with computers. 12(1):46-61.
Cevher V, Chellappa R, McClellan JH.  2009.  Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Acoustic Wave Patterns. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 57(1):30-47.
Cevher V, Chellappa R, McClellan JH.  2009.  Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Acoustic Wave Patterns. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 57(1):30-47.
Islam MS, Talukder KA, Khan NH, Mahmud ZH, Rahman MZ, Nair GB, Siddique AKM, Yunus M, Sack DA, Sack RB et al..  2004.  Variation of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh and its correlation with the clinical strains. Microbiology and immunology. 48(10):773-777.
Budowle B, Connell ND, Bielecka-Oder A, Colwell RR, Corbett CR, Fletcher J, Forsman M, Kadavy DR, Markotic A, Morse SA et al..  2014.  Validation of high throughput sequencing and microbial forensics applications. Investigative Genetics. 5(1):9.
Budowle B, Connell ND, Bielecka-Oder A, Colwell RR, Corbett CR, Fletcher J, Forsman M, Kadavy DR, Markotic A, Morse SA et al..  2014.  Validation of high throughput sequencing and microbial forensics applications. Investigative Genetics. 5(1):9.
Budowle B, Connell ND, Bielecka-Oder A, Colwell RR, Corbett CR, Fletcher J, Forsman M, Kadavy DR, Markotic A, Morse SA et al..  2014.  Validation of high throughput sequencing and microbial forensics applications. Investigative Genetics. 5(1):9.
Reyna-Fabian ME, Laclette JP, Cummings MP, García-Varela M.  2010.  Validating the systematic position of ıt Plationus Segers, Murugan & Dumont, 1993 (Rotifera: Brachionidae) using sequences of the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and of cytochrome C oxidase. Hydrobiologia. 644(1):361-370.
Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Using vision to think. Readings in information visualization: using vision to think. :579-581.
Castillo CD, Jacobs DW.  2009.  Using Stereo Matching with General Epipolar Geometry for 2D Face Recognition across Pose. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(12):2298-2304.
Ford TE, Colwell RR, Rose JB, Morse SS, Rogers DJ, Yates TL.  2009.  Using Satellite Images of Environmental Changes to Predict Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Emerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg Infect Dis. 15(9):1341-1346.
Hierons RM, Krause P, Lüttgen G, Simons AJH, Vilkomir S, Woodward MR, Zedan H, Bogdanov K, Bowen JP, Cleaveland R et al..  2009.  Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Computing Surveys. 41:1-76.
Chimera R, Shneiderman B.  1993.  User interface consistency: an evaluation of original and revised interfaces for a videodisk library. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :259-259.
Lazar J, Jones A, Bessiere K, Ceaparu I, Shneiderman B.  2005.  User Frustration with Technology in the Workplace (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Zaitchik B.F, Guikema S.D, Haley B.J, Taviani E., Chen A., Brown M.E., Huq A., Colwell RR.  2015.  Use of Environmental Parameters to Model Pathogenic Vibrios in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Environmental Informatics.
Zaitchik B.F, Guikema S.D, Haley B.J, Taviani E., Chen A., Brown M.E., Huq A., Colwell RR.  2015.  Use of Environmental Parameters to Model Pathogenic Vibrios in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Environmental Informatics.
Turaga P, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R.  2009.  Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 113(3):353-371.
Canetti R, Halevi S, Katz J, Lindell Y, MacKenzie P.  2005.  Universally composable password-based key exchange. Advances in Cryptology–Eurocrypt 2005. :557-557.
Mount D, Chandran S.  1988.  A united approach to finding enclosing and enclosed triangles. Proceedings of 26th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing.
Ray A, Cleaveland R.  2004.  Unit verification: the CARA experience. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT). 5(4):351-369.
