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Zo Y-G, Chokesajjawatee N, Arakawa E, Watanabe H, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  Covariability of Vibrio Cholerae Microdiversity and Environmental Parameters. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 74(9):2915-2920.
Zo Y-G, Chokesajjawatee N, Arakawa E, Watanabe H, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  Covariability of Vibrio Cholerae Microdiversity and Environmental Parameters. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 74(9):2915-2920.
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Ponnusamy D, Kozlova EV, Sha J, Erova TE, Azar SR, Fitts EC, Kirtley ML, Tiner BL, Andersson JA, Grim CJ et al..  2016.  Cross-talk among flesh-eating Aeromonas hydrophila strains in mixed infection leading to necrotizing fasciitis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 11312161268(3321029):722-727.
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Catarci T, Costabile MF, Cruz IF, Ioannidis Y, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Data models, visual representations, metaphors: how to solve the puzzle? (panel) Proceedings of the third IFIP WG2.6 working conference on Visual database systems 3 (VDB-3). :177-182.
Catarci T, Costabile MF, Cruz IF, Ioannidis Y, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Data models, visual representations, metaphors: how to solve the puzzle? (panel) Proceedings of the third IFIP WG2.6 working conference on Visual database systems 3 (VDB-3). :177-182.
Catarci T, Costabile MF, Cruz IF, Ioannidis Y, Shneiderman B.  1997.  Data models, visual representations, metaphors: how to solve the puzzle? (panel) Proceedings of the third IFIP WG2.6 working conference on Visual database systems 3 (VDB-3). :177-182.
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