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Filters: Keyword is event-driven software  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Papers
Brooks PA, Memon AM.  2007.  Automated gui testing guided by usage profiles. Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering. :333-342.
Journal Articles
Bryce RC, Sampath S, Memon AM.  2011.  Developing a Single Model and Test Prioritization Strategies for Event-Driven Software. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 37(1):48-64.
Memon AM.  2007.  An event-flow model of GUI-based applications for testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. 17(3):137-157.
Yuan X, Memon AM.  2010.  Iterative execution-feedback model-directed GUI testing. Information and Software Technology. 52(5):559-575.