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Conference Papers
Yu X, Fermüller C, Teo C L, Yang Y, Aloimonos Y.  2011.  Active scene recognition with vision and language. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). :810-817.
Kanagal B, Deshpande A.  2009.  Ef?cient Query Evaluation over Temporally Correlated Probabilistic Streams IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE '09. :1315-1318.
Chu B-TB, Reggia JA.  1990.  Modeling diagnostic problem-solving at multiple levels of abstraction. Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1990., Sixth Conference on. :55-61vol.1-55-61vol.1.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Davis LS.  2001.  Multimodal 3-D tracking and event detection via the particle filter. IEEE Workshop on Detection and Recognition of Events in Video, 2001. Proceedings. :20-27.
DuBois T, Golbeck J, Srinivasan A.  2011.  Predicting Trust and Distrust in Social Networks. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :418-424.
Sen P, Deshpande A, Getoor L.  2007.  Representing Tuple and Attribute Uncertainty in Probabilistic Databases. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 2007. ICDM Workshops 2007. :507-512.