Omnibase: Uniform access to heterogeneous data for question answering

TitleOmnibase: Uniform access to heterogeneous data for question answering
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsKatz B, Felshin S, Yuret D, Ibrahim A, Jimmy Lin, Marton G, Jerome McFarland A, Temelkuran B
JournalNatural Language Processing and Information Systems
Pagination230 - 234
Date Published2002///

Although the World Wide Web contains a tremendous amount of information, the lack of uniform structure makes finding the right knowledge difficult. A solution is to turn the Web into a “virtual database” and to access it through natural language.We built Omnibase, a system that integrates heterogeneous data sources using an object- property-value model. With the help of Omnibase, our Start natural language system can now access numerous heterogeneous data sources on the Web in a uniform manner, and answers millions of user questions with high precision.
