Geometrical algorithms for automated design of side actions in injection moulding of complex parts

TitleGeometrical algorithms for automated design of side actions in injection moulding of complex parts
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBanerjee A G, Gupta SK
JournalComputer-Aided Design
Pagination882 - 897
Date Published2007/10//
ISBN Number0010-4485
KeywordsConfiguration spaces, Geometrical reasoning, Mould design

This paper describes algorithms for generating shapes of side actions to minimize a customizable injection moulding cost function. Given a set of undercut facets on a polyhedral part and the main mold opening directions, our approach works in the following manner: first, we compute candidate retraction space for every undercut facet. This space represents the set of candidate translation vectors that can be used by the side action to completely disengage from the undercut facet. As the next step, we generate a discrete set of feasible, nondominated retractions. Then we group the undercut facets into undercut regions by performing state space search over such retractions. This search step is performed by minimizing the given moulding cost function. After identifying the undercut regions, we generate the shapes of individual side actions. We believe that the results presented in this paper will provide the foundations for developing fully automated software for designing side actions.
