MC2 Symposium


Day 1: Tuesday, May 15th

8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Welcome: The Honorable Congressman C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
9:15 AM Introduction: Mike Hicks, Director, MC2
9:30 AM Panel: Cybersecurity Legislation & Its Impact
Moderated by: Eric Chapman, MC2 Associate Director

- Adam Sedgwick, Senior Information Technology Policy Advisor, NIST
- Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post
- Clete Johnson, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- Tommy Ross, National Security Advisor, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
- Heather Molino, Minority Deputy Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM Technical Talks

Bond Breaker: Identifying Close Friends on the Internet
Dr. Randolph Baden - Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park (soon to work at DOD)

Digital fingerprinting
Alex Barg - Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Enhancing Cybersecurity with Trusted Hardware
Gang Qu - Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Retrofitting Security in COTS Software with Binary Rewriting
Rajeev Barua - Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Keynote: Bug Parades, Zombies, and the BSIMM: A Decade of Software Security
Gary McGraw, CTO Cigital
2:30 PM Coffee Break
3:00 PM Tutorials (choose one)

Secure Web Programming in Ruby on Rails
Jeff Foster - Associate Professor, Computer Science

Dyninst: A Binary Analysis and Modification Framework
Jeff Hollingsworth - Professor and Associate Chair, Computer Science

5:00 PM Adjourn Day 1


Day 2: Wednesday, May 16th

8:30 AM Breakfast
9:15 AM Welcome: Chancellor William “Brit” Kirwan
9:30 AM Keynote: New methods for controlling timing channels
Dr. Andrew Myers, Professor Cornell University
10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM Technical Talks

Privacy-preserving computation
Michael Hicks - Associate Professor, Computer Science and Director, MC2

Empirical Studies in Cybersecurity: Some Challenges
Michel Cukier - Associate Professor, Reliability Engineering and Associate Director for Education, MC2

Physical Layer Security
Sennur Ulukus - Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cybersecurity: How did we get here and how do we get out of here?
Carl Landwehr - Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Research

12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Panel: Challenges Facing Cybersecurity Education
Moderated by Dr. Michel Cukier, Associate Professor in Reliability Engineering and MC2 Associate Director for Education

- Bill Newhouse, Director, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, NIST
- Davina Pruitt-Mentle, CyberWatch
- Hart Rossman, VP/CTO Cyber Security Services & Solutions, SAIC
- Casey O'Brien, Director, CyberWatch
- Carl Landwehr - Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Research

2:30 PM Coffee Break
2:45 PM Tutorials (choose one)

Effective use of FindBugs in large software development efforts
Bill Pugh - Professor Emeritus, Computer Science

Overview of Cybersecurity Laws, Regulations, and Policies: From "Best Practices" to Actual Requirements
David Thaw - Research Faculty, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

4:45 PM Adjourn Symposium