System for 802.11 connectivity at high speed

TitleSystem for 802.11 connectivity at high speed
Publication TypeReports
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsFrangiadakis N, Kuklov D, Roussopoulos N
Date Published2007/05/13/
InstitutionInstititue for Advanced Computer Studies, Univ of Maryland, College Park
KeywordsTechnical Report

Measurements and ongoing research have shown that WLANconnection for moving vehicles is feasible. However none of the previous
work suggests a solution addressing a complete array of the challenges
in vehicular WLAN communications. To amend this we designed a system
that provides wireless connection roaming at high
velocities transparent to user level applications, and does not impose
additional requirements to existing infrastructures. It offers simple
deployment, security, and scalability. It remains efficient under ­
intermittent connectivity conditions and supports heterogeneous network
mediums for increased robustness.