Integral equation solution of electromagnetic scattering from a multilayered cylindrical waveguide

TitleIntegral equation solution of electromagnetic scattering from a multilayered cylindrical waveguide
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsSeydou F, Duraiswami R, Seppanen T
Conference NameAntennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2003. IEEE
Date Published2003/06//
Keywordsapproximation, circular, core;, cylinder;, cylindrical, dielectric, dielectric-loaded, electromagnetic, EM, equations;, integral, Maxwell, method;, multilayered, numerical, Nystrom, scattering;, theory;, wave, waveguide, waveguides;

This paper is devoted to the electromagnetic scattering from an N multilayered cylinder. We consider waveguides in the z direction, that is: we look for the solution of Maxwell equations along the z direction. We assume a dielectric core and discuss the problem for the case of general domains. We use an integral equation approach to solve the problem and the Nystrom method for the numerical approximation.
