Human detection using iterative feature selection and logistic principal component analysis

TitleHuman detection using iterative feature selection and logistic principal component analysis
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsAbd-Almageed W, Davis LS
Conference NameRobotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008. IEEE International Conference on
Date Published2008/05//
Keywordsalgorithm;logistic, analysis;edge, analysis;probability;, applications;principal, belongness, component, DETECTION, detection;feature, detection;iterative, detection;principal, extraction;filtering, feature, filtering;human, MAP, methods;object, PCA;object, probability;edge, selection, theory;iterative

We present a fast feature selection algorithm suitable for object detection applications where the image being tested must be scanned repeatedly to detected the object of interest at different locations and scales. The algorithm iteratively estimates the belongness probability of image pixels to foreground of the image. To prove the validity of the algorithm, we apply it to a human detection problem. The edge map is filtered using a feature selection algorithm. The filtered edge map is then projected onto an eigen space of human shapes to determine if the image contains a human. Since the edge maps are binary in nature, Logistic Principal Component Analysis is used to obtain the eigen human shape space. Experimental results illustrate the accuracy of the human detector.
