Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge for HCI Researchers

TitleCreativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge for HCI Researchers
Publication TypeBook Chapters
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsShneiderman B
Book TitleEngineering the User InterfaceEngineering the User Interface
Pagination1 - 9
PublisherSpringer London
ISBN Number978-1-84800-136-7

Human-computer interaction researchers can play a key role in designing, implementing, and evaluating a new generation of creativity support tools. Understanding creative processes, especially when mediated by user interfaces will remain a continuing challenge, especially in dealing with novice and expert users, across a variety of disciplines. The expected outcomes include (1) refined theories of technology-supported creative processes, (2) active discussion of user-oriented empirical research methods, (3) new software architectures, database management strategies, and networking technologies, and (4) improved user interfaces to support discover and innovation, especially in collaborative environments.