Channel Access Throttling for Improving WLAN QoS

TitleChannel Access Throttling for Improving WLAN QoS
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsHan B, Ji L, Lee S, Miller RR, Bhattacharjee B
Conference NameSensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2009. SECON '09. 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on
Date Published2009/06//
Keywords802.11, access, area, call, capacity;data, capacity;quality, capacity;WLAN, categories;transmission, channel, device, distributed, driver;quality, facto, frames;de, IEEE, LAN;, LAN;VoIP, local, mechanism;member, method;enhanced, multimedia, network;wireless, networks;channel, of, parameters;channel, priority;channel, QoS, QoS;channel, service;telecommunication, service;traffic, standards;telecommunication, stations;open-source, throttling;channel, traffic;wireless, treatments;wireless, wireless

The de facto QoS channel access method for the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs is the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) mechanism, which differentiates transmission treatments for data frames belonging to different traffic categories with four different levels of channel access priority. In this paper, we propose extending EDCA with Channel Access Throttling (CAT) for more flexible and efficient QoS support. By assigning different member stations different channel access parameters, CAT differentiates channel access priorities not between traffic categories but between member stations. Then by dynamically changing the channel access parameters of each member station based on a pre-computed schedule, CAT enables EDCA WLANs the benefits of scheduled access QoS. We also present evaluation results of CAT obtained from both simulations and experiments conducted using off-the-shelf WLAN hardware and open-source device driver. Our results show that CAT can proportionally partition channel capacity, significantly improve performance of multimedia applications, effectively achieve performance protection for admitted flows, and increase per cell VoIP call capacity by up to 41%.
