(Contributed by a student -- thanks! -- and very slightly edited.)

Unlike LISP, Perl has no shell. So you need to write your code in a file
using emacs first and then run the file from the UNIX prompt.
Here's how to create the Hello World code.

  use English; 
  print "Hello world.\n";

The first line indicates where Perl is located on the system. The second
is intended to avoid certain problems in syntax, but I kind of forgot
which problems Philip mentioned in class. At any rate, these two lines
must be always present in your code. Then the third line is easy to
understand, except for the \n thing. This means that after printing Hello
World, start a new line. If you don't add this to your code the UNIX
prompt will appear immediately after the Hello World phrase. Try the code
with and without the \n and you'll see the difference.

Notice that each function ends with a (;). This is essential to get the
program running. Don't forget the semicolon. Also, unlike LISP, Perl is
sensitive to the uppercase-lowercase distinction. So, be careful with

To run this program, you need to do two things: First change the mode of
the file into execution by typing "chmod u+x" followed by the name of the
file, e.g.
% chmod u+x

Second, you need to type the name of the file at the UNIX prompt like

Notice that Perl files should be used with a .pl extension. This helps to
get emacs in the Perl mode.

In Perl, different variables are identified by different characteristic
symbols. We talked about two main data types: scalars (e.g. numbers
and strings) and arrays (which are lists).

Scalars have to be introduced by $. For example:
$mystring = 'Hello';
$x = 5;

Arrays are introduced by @. For example:
@days = ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday"):

To access an item on the array you use this:
$days[  ];
And between the square brackets you type the number of the element you
want to get. Notice that numbering here starts from zero. So to get the
first element you use 0, to get the second use 1, etc.