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This is a picture of  T-rex bones.

The word dinosaur means  terrible lizard. The  dinosaurs died out about 65 –million years ago. Nobody  knows why they died out. The best theory is  a

Comet hit the earth throwing  up a huge dust cloud and blocking out the sun. With out the sun, plants could not grow and with out plants, plant-eaters could not survive.  With out plant-eaters, meat –eaters could not live. When the dinosaurs died out, the mammals had there day.

The largest extinct mammal Was the wooley mammeth, an ansester of the modern day elephant. Dinosaurs have been found all over the earth.

Fossils are found by paleontologists. Paleontontolojists are people that dig up and study fossels.

T-rex’s teeth could grow to be 6 inches long!
There were 3 dinosaur earas: the triacic,juracic and cretateus.



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