LBSC 796/INFM 718R
Information Retrieval Systems
Spring 2011

All of the information that is here is now ready to go.
Section Day Time (P.M.) Classroom
0101 Wednesday 6:00-8:45 PLS 1129
Course Description
Descriptions of course goals, instructional staff and their office hours, classroom utilization, required and recommended materials, corequisites, and grading procedures for the course. There are a lot of useful links here that do not show up on the printed version.
The title of each session, and links to the slides presented in class for that session and the readings for that session. The due dates for each assignment are also shown, and links to the assignments themselves are provided.
Student Projects
Links to student project Web pages will appear here once they are active.
Final Exam
Information about the final exam. Some actual exams that were given in previous semesters are also available.
Information Retrieval Software
Links to sources of IR software (very useful for the project!).
Information Retrieval Books and Papers
Links to a wide range of books and papers describing information retrieval techniques.
Seminar series on the Maryland campus and in the surrounding area that sometimes have speakers on topics related to this course.
Prior Semesters
A useful place to look if you want to see slides for a class that has not happened yet.

Doug Oard
Last modified: Jan 15 2011