LBSC 708A/CMSC 828O Final Exam May 18, 1998 You have 2 hours to complete this exam. It is open book and open notes - you may use anything except another person to complete the exam. Answer any TWO of the three questions (If you answer all three, I will grade only the first two that I happen to read). Each question carries equal weight. Please discuss each issue in the questions you select, providing as much detail as time allows. You may use a computer or write your answers longhand in the exam books provided, but the answers must be turned in on paper to guard against unreadable disks. 1. (Design knowledge) You have been asked to design an information retrieval system to index videotaped interviews in an oral history collection. Will you use manually assigned controlled vocabulary terms, some form of indexing based on features that are automatically extracted from the videotapes, or some combination of the the approaches? Justify your choice, explaining how each stage in the information retrieval system model will work and what sorts of search strategies users will find effective when using the system you have designed. In constructing your answer, please also explain why the alternative approach would not be as good. For example, if you chose manually assigned controlled vocabulary indexing, explain why that is better than indexing based on automatically extracted features, or if you chose both, explain why that is better than either approach alone. 2. (Implementation knowledge) You have been asked to implement an information retrieval system to provide access to individual articles in an academic library's journal collection. Only journals that are available in character coded electronic form will be included in this digital collection - other journals will be maintained as paper copies that are cataloged using a different system so you need not concern yourself with those details. List the steps involved with creating and using the electronic journal collection, beginning with selection of a system and ending with evaluation of how well it is working. In addition to describing the tasks to be performed, please also consider this from the perspective of explaining to your supervisor what skills and resources will be needed for each step. 3. (Techniques knowledge) Describe the techniques used to evaluate information retrieval systems and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Use an example to illustrate the points that you make, and explain how you would interpret the results of each evaluation technique. Please choose examples different from the one in question 2 if you answered that question. ------------------------- End --------------------------