LBSC 690 Midterm Exam (Spring 2013, Section 0101) Name: _________________________ You have 3 hours (180 minutes) to complete this exam (although it should not take you that long). Time starts when you read the first question. This is an open book, open notes, open Internet exam. You may use anything that exists on the Internet EXCEPT things created by other students in this section of this class after this exam was distributed. You may also use any program on any computer, or any Web service. You may not communicate in any way with any person about any topic during this exam. You may not discuss this exam or provide any information about this exam (such as whether you found it to be easy or hard) until the professor posts solutions, discusses the exam in class, or sends you your grade. The reason for this is that different people will take the exam at different times. You may any amount of space for the answer to any question (you don't need to fit your answer into the space provided). Keep the following test taking strategies in mind. If you find a question to be ambiguous, explain your confusion but provide an answer. This will make it possible to consider the cause of your confusion when grading your answer. Don't spend so much time on one question that you run out of time for other problems. Look over all the questions initially, and answer the ones that will get you the most points (for the time invested) first! A maximum of 100 points are possible on this exam. Record your start date and time here: ____________________ You must finish the exam within 180 minutes of starting it, and you must finish it before 5:30 PM on Tuesday March 26, 2013. Record your end date and time here: ____________________ 1. (35 points) Create a Web page in which you present an annotated version of the Incantation of the Three Witches from Macbeth ( In your annotated version, include hyperlinks from at least three terms (i.e., words or phrases) in the incantation to Web pages that describe some meaning of that term. For example, you might link to a dictionary definition of cauldron, a Web page describing the life cycle of frogs, and Newt Gingrich's Web site. This is the only annotation that is required - just the incantation with three links from specific terms. Note that you don't need to link to the "correct" meaning of a term (since correct might be debatable, and since your purpose for making a link might include satire). Place your Web page on any Web server anywhere (terpconnect would be fine) with any file name you wish, and provide the URL of that Web page as your answer to this question. Do not change the page for two weeks after the time you complete your exam. Note that you may use Joomla to create the answer to this question if you wish, but you don't need to. 2. (25 points) Give one example of lossless compression and one example of lossy compression. Your examples might be drawn from any context (files, video, audio, images, ...). For each example, BRIEFLY describe how it works (2-3 sentences should suffice), point out why it is lossy or lossless (as appropriate) by explaining why compressing and then uncompressing will or will not give exactly the same result as the original, and give one example of an appropriate use and one example of an inappropriate use for that compression technique. 3. (10 points) What is the postal mail address (i.e., the address to which you would mail a physical letter) for the organization that registered the domain name 4. (20 points) Provide two DIFFERENT reasons why using Joomla might be preferred over building a static Web page by hand using only HTML. Then provide two DIFFERENT reasons why building a static Web page using HTML might be better than using Joomla. Only your first two answers in each case will be graded. 5. (10 points) Use the concept of "mental models" that was introduced in class to explain why the concept of "metaphor" that was described in the readings can help to make new user interface design elements more easily learned. Hand type the following university honor pledge in the space below: "I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this exam" Don't forget to record your end time. Email your exam to immediately after finishing with the subject line "690 Midterm" ------------------------- End ----------------------------------