INFM 603
Information Technology and Organizational Context
Spring 2015

Section Day Time (P.M.) Classroom
SG01 Thursday 6:00-8:45 BLD3 3203
Course Description
Descriptions of course goals, instructional staff and their office hours, classroom utilization, required and recommended materials, and grading procedures for the course.
The title of each session, and links to the slides presented in class for that session and the readings for that session. The due dates for each assignment are also shown, and links to the assignments themselves are provided.
Required Readings
All of our readings in this class are available without additional charges to University of Maryland students, usually through the University of Maryland Libraries' subscriptions. Complete details on the readings for each week can be found here.
Prior Semesters
INFM 603 is typically taught every semester. Here are some links to courses from prior semesters that are available on the Web.
Final Exams
These are some actual final exams given in earlier semesters.

Doug Oard
Last modified: Thu May 14 17:51:23 2015