INST 301
Introduction to Information Science
Spring 2016
Assignment H1

This assignment has two goals. First, we want you to get some experience with how packets actually get around the Internet by using traceroute. Second, we want to make sure that we have good two-way email communication with you.
  1. Use traceroute to discover the geographic location of the server for -- This is kind of an interesting task because this company is located in one place but its Web server is located in a different place. So you can't just look at the Web site to see where the company claims to be. By far the easiest way to perform this task is to use a visual traceroute. One option is to download Visual Traceroute (download the free 15 day trial, choose "add editions"). But another that does not require downloading anything (probably a better approach when you can manage it) is the online Monitis Visual Trace Route Tool. Note that these system need to determine the IP address, so the only part of the URL they need is If they have trouble looking up the IP address for that domain name, you can use any DNS lookup tool (for example, the one at Note that I found all of these by simply doing Google searches for geographic traceroute and for dns lookup, so there's nothing special about these choices -- I just tried them and they worked for me so hopefully they will work for you too. Submit the geographic location using ELMS, along with a brief description of how you determined that from what you saw using traceroute.
  2. Send an email to both instructors (at and with "[Submitting Assignment H1:YOURLASTNAME]" in the subject line and with your name (as you prefer to be called) and your email address (where you prefer to read email) in the body of your message. The reason for this is to be sure that we have an email address for you that works. We will reply to the email (if you don't get a reply within 24 hours, let us know!).

Doug Oard
Last modified: Tue Feb 2 13:04:13 2016