CS 726 Project 1: Basic classification

Table of Contents


The code for this project consists of several Python files, some of which you will need to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you can ignore. You can download all the code and supporting files (including this description) as a tar archive.

Files you'll edit:
dumbClassifiers.py This contains a handful of "warm up" classifiers to get you used to our classification framework.
dt.py Will be your simple implementation of a decision tree classifier.
knn.py This is where your nearest-neighbor classifier modifications will go.
Files you might want to look at:
binary.py Our generic interface for binary classifiers (actually works for regression and other types of classification, too).
datasets.py Where a handful of test data sets are stored.
util.py A handful of useful utility functions: these will undoubtedly be helpful to you, so take a look!
runClassifier.py A few wrappers for doing useful things with classifiers, like training them, generating learning curves, etc.
mlGraphics.py A few useful plotting commands

What to submit: You will handin all of the python files listed above under "Files you'll edit" as well as a partners.txt file that lists the names and last four digits of the UID of all members in your team. Finally, you'll hand in a writeup.pdf file that answers all the written questions in this assignment (denoted by WU#: in this .html file).

Evaluation: Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Please do not change the names of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the autograder. However, the correctness of your implementation -- not the autograder's output -- will be the final judge of your score. If necessary, we will review and grade assignments individually to ensure that you receive due credit for your work.

Academic Dishonesty: We will be checking your code against other submissions in the class for logical redundancy. If you copy someone else's code and submit it with minor changes, we will know. These cheat detectors are quite hard to fool, so please don't try. We trust you all to submit your own work only; please don't let us down. If you do, we will pursue the strongest consequences available to us.

Getting Help: You are not alone! If you find yourself stuck on something, contact the course staff for help. Office hours, class time, and Piazza are there for your support; please use them. If you can't make our office hours, let us know and we will schedule more. We want these projects to be rewarding and instructional, not frustrating and demoralizing. But, we don't know when or how to help unless you ask. One more piece of advice: if you don't know what a variable is, print it out.

Warming Up to Classifiers (10%)

Let's begin our foray into classification by looking at some very simple classifiers. There are three classifiers in dumbClassifiers.py, one is implemented for you, the other two you will need to fill in appropriately.

The already implemented one is AlwaysPredictOne, a classifier that (as its name suggest) always predicts the positive class. We're going to use the TennisData dataset from datasets.py as a running example. So let's start up python and see how well this classifier does on this data. You should begin by importing util, datasets, binary and dumbClassifiers. Also, be sure you always have from numpy import * and from pylab import * activated.

>>> h = dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictOne({})
>>> h
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.X)
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
Indeed, it looks like it's always predicting one!

Now, let's compare these predictions to the truth. Here's a very clever way to compute accuracies (WU1: why is this computation equivalent to computing classification accuracy?):

>>> mean((datasets.TennisData.Y > 0) == (h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.X) > 0))
That's training accuracy; let's check test accuracy:
>>> mean((datasets.TennisData.Yte > 0) == (h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.Xte) > 0))
Okay, so it does pretty badly. That's not surprising, it's really not learning anything!!!

Now, let's use some of the built-in functionality to help do some of the grunt work for us. You'll need to import runClassifier.

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(h, datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5
Very convenient!

Now, your first implementation task will be to implement the missing functionality in AlwaysPredictMostFrequent. This actually will "learn" something simple. Upon receiving training data, it will simply remember whether +1 is more common or -1 is more common. It will then always predict this label for future data. Once you've implemented this, you can test it:

>>> h = dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictMostFrequent({})
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(h, datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5
>>> h
Okay, so it does the same as AlwaysPredictOne, but that's because +1 is more common in that training data. We can see a difference if we change to a different dataset: GenderData is the data you've seen before, now Python-ified.
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictOne({}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.503168, test accuracy 0.489
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictMostFrequent({}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.503168, test accuracy 0.489
Since the majority class is "1", these do the same here.

The last dumb classifier we'll implement is FirstFeatureClassifier. This actually does something slightly non-trivial. It looks at the first feature (i.e., X[0]) and uses this to make a prediction. Based on the training data, it figures out what is the most common class for the case when X[0] > 0 and the most common class for the case when X[0] <= 0. Upon receiving a test point, it checks the value of X[0] and returns the corresponding class. Once you've implemented this, you can check it's performance:

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.FirstFeatureClassifier({}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.714286, test accuracy 0.666667
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.FirstFeatureClassifier({}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.504668, test accuracy 0.4905
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.FirstFeatureClassifier({}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.540833, test accuracy 0.5025

Decision Trees (30%)

Our next task is to implement a decision tree classifier. There is stub code in dt.py that you should edit. Decision trees are stored as simple data structures. Each node in the tree has a .isLeaf boolean that tells us if this node is a leaf (as opposed to an internal node). Leaf nodes have a .label field that says what class to return at this leaf. Internal nodes have: a .feature value that tells us what feature to split on; a .left tree that tells us what to do when the feature value is less than 0.5; and a .right tree that tells us what to do when the feature value is at least 0.5. To get a sense of how the data structure works, look at the displayTree function that prints out a tree.

Your first task is to implement the training procedure for decision trees. We've provided a fair amount of the code, which should help you guard against corner cases. (Hint: take a look at util.py for some useful functions for implementing training. Once you've implemented the training function, we can test it on simple data:

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 1})
>>> h
Leaf 1

>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Leaf 1.0
  Leaf -1.0
This is for a simple depth-one decision tree (aka a decision stump). If we let it get deeper, we get things like:
>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 2})
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Branch 7
    Leaf 1.0
    Leaf 1.0
  Branch 1
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 5})
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Branch 7
    Leaf 1.0
    Branch 2
      Leaf 1.0
      Leaf -1.0
  Branch 1
    Branch 7
      Branch 2
        Leaf -1.0
        Leaf 1.0
      Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0
We can do something similar on the gender data:
>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 2})
>>> h.train(datasets.GenderData.X, datasets.GenderData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 748
  Branch 287
    Leaf 1.0
    Leaf -1.0
  Branch 71
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0
The problem here is that words have been converted into numeric ids for features. We can look them up:
>>> GenderData.words[748]
>>> GenderData.words[287]
>>> GenderData.words[71]
(This last one means "contained a URL reference".) Based on this, we can rewrite the tree (by hand) as:
Branch 'me'
  Branch 'love'
    Leaf 1.0
    Leaf -1.0
  Branch 'urllink'
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0
Now, you should go implement prediction. This should be easier than training! We can test by:
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 1}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.555018, test accuracy 0.553
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 3}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.589363, test accuracy 0.5725
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 5}), datasets.GenderData)
Training accuracy 0.616539, test accuracy 0.573
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 1}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.630833, test accuracy 0.595
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 3}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.700833, test accuracy 0.6225
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 5}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.759167, test accuracy 0.6275
Looks like it does better than the dumb classifiers on training data, as well as on test data! Hopefully we can do even better in the future!

We can use more runClassifier functions to generate learning curves and hyperparameter curves:

>>> curve = runClassifier.learningCurveSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 9}), datasets.GenderData)
>>> runClassifier.plotCurve('DT on Gender Data', curve)
This plots training and test accuracy as a function of the number of data points (x-axis) used for training. WU2: We should see training accuracy (roughly) going down and test accuracy (roughly) going up. Why does training accuracy tend to go down? Why is test accuracy not monotonically increasing?

We can also generate similar curves by chaning the maximum depth hyperparameter:

>>> curve = runClassifier.hyperparamCurveSet(dt.DT({}), 'maxDepth', [1,2,4,8,16,32], datasets.GenderData)
>>> runClassifier.plotCurve('DT on Gender Data (hyperparameter)', curve)
Now, the x-axis is the value of the maximum depth.

WU3: You should see training accuracy monotonically increasing and test accuracy making a (wavy) hill. Which of these is guaranteed to happen a which is just something we might expect to happen? Why?

Nearest Neighbors (30%)

To get started with geometry-based classification, we will implement a nearest neighbor classifier that supports both KNN classification and epsilon-ball classification. This should go in knn.py. The only function here that you have to do anything about is the predict function, which does all the work.

In order to test your implementation, here are some outputs (I suggest implementing epsilon-balls first, since they're slightly easier):

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 0.5}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 1
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 1.0}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.857143, test accuracy 0.833333
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 2.0}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 1}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 1
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 3}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.785714, test accuracy 0.833333
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 5}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.857143, test accuracy 0.833333
You can also try it on the digits data:
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 6.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.96, test accuracy 0.64
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 8.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.88, test accuracy 0.81
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 10.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.74, test accuracy 0.74

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 1}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 0.94
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 3}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.94, test accuracy 0.93
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 5}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.92, test accuracy 0.92
WU4: For the digits data, generate train/test curves for varying values of K and epsilon (you figure out what are good ranges, this time). Include those curves: do you see evidence of overfitting and underfitting? Next, using K=5, generate learning curves for this data.

WU5: Modify HighD.py appropriately for the following experiment. The digits (training) data consists of 100 points in 784 dimensions, and lives in the [0,1]784 hypercube. First, generate a histogram plot of equivalent, randomly generated data (this is basically just using HighD.py directly). Next, generate a histogram of distances computed from DigitData.X. Spend a few sentences discussing what you see.

Using Tools (30%)

You've already, in Lab1, used FastDT. The following write-up questions are a subset of those from that lab.

WU6: Build a depth 3 decision tree on the (lab1) sentiment data. Draw it. Explain what the tree is doing. (1:E+F from lab1)

WU7: Draw error rate curves for different depths of decision trees on the (lab1) gender data. Answer questions B+C from Part 2 of lab1.

Finally, for the final 10% of your grade, for extra credit, and for bragging rights, you get to solve a very weird classification problem. The task is: given what a person is saying (dialog from a book), predict their mood! In this case, mood is either happy (class 1) or sad (class -1). A "small" version of the training data is in quotes.training (there are 30k examples). A test set is in quotes.te. Note that all the labels in quotes.te have been set to ZERO, so you don't get to peek at the true labels. Your job is to use anything you've developed in this project, as well as FastDT, to get the best possible performance you can on this test data. Every night at midnight we will evaluate your submission and post the results to the leaderboard, marked by your teamname (specified in teamname.txt). If you beat my baseline (called Hal9000) you get 5%. For every one percent better than my baseline you do, you get another 1% (up to 5% more). Finally, the first place team will get 10% EC, the second place 5% and the third place 2%. Please WU8 writeup what you did.