WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment Beijing, China Non-Intrusive Monitoring and Service Adaptation for WS-BPEL Oliver Moser, Florian Rosenberg and Schahram Dustdar Distributed Systems Group, Technical University Vienna Argentinierstr. 8/184-1, 1040 Vienna, Austria lastname@infosys.tuwien.ac.at ABSTRACT Web service processes currently lack monitoring and dynamic (runtime) adaptation mechanisms. In highly dynamic processes, services frequently need to b e exchanged due to a variety of reasons. In this pap er we present VieDAME, a system which allows monitoring of BPEL processes according to Quality of Service (QoS) attributes and replacement of existing partner services based on various (pluggable) replacement strategies. The chosen replacement services can b e syntactically or semantically equivalent to the BPEL interface. Services can b e automatically replaced at runtime without any downtime of the overall system. We implemented our solution with an asp ect-oriented approach by intercepting SOAP messages and allow services to b e exchanged during runtime with little p erformance p enalty costs, as shown in our exp eriments, thereby making our solution suitable for high-availability BPEL environments. language that provides the user with variables, conditionals, loops, asynchronous messages, process correlation and facilities for transaction and exception handling. The language itself was originally designed by BEA, Microsoft and IBM. Finally, WS-BPEL 2.0 is now standardized by OASIS. When leveraging BPEL as a process execution language, there are some ma jor concerns that have to b e considered when using it in high-availability environments. As a motivating scenario, consider an online store where the back-end business logic is implemented using a BPEL based solution, and the front-end for the customers is a Web application which gathers data and hands it over to the BPEL engine for processing the order. The order processing requires some communication with the local back-end services (such as stock services) or partner services offered by other organizations (e.g., credit card verification and payment). A failure or downtime of one of these services in the process can cause a downtime in the overall process execution. This may result in a considerable loss of money due to the fact that the front-end is relying on a fully op erational back-end system. In this work, we address two issues we identified when using BPEL in enterprise systems where monitoring and highavailability play a crucial role: Firstly, one ma jor drawback of BPEL is its inherently static nature. Basically, if a process definition is deployed into a BPEL environment ­ the BPEL engine ­ it cannot b e changed dynamically at runtime. Every information is hard-wired after a process is deployed, for example, references to other services (called partner links ) used in the BPEL process cannot b e changed and exchanged without editing and redeploying the process which implies a downtime of the overall system. Although it is p ossible for the process to bind to partner links at runtime, the process definition would contain a tremendous amount of code that is not related to the business process (see Section 4 for more details on runtime partner link binding). A dynamic replacement of partner Web services in the process is, therefore, a necessary approach when the service provider quality in terms of resp onse time (or other QoS) asp ects is not good enough and affects the overall quality of the process. Secondly, the BPEL standard does not provide any means for monitoring a running process. Nevertheless, monitoring of business processes is a very imp ortant issue in enterprise systems as they are a key factor for running a business. Currently, it is up to the BPEL engine to provide monitoring interfaces. However, to the b est of our knowledge, available BPEL engines lack this ability. The monitoring of QoS is a necessary foundation to decide whether a replacement of Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2 [Software Engineering]: Programming Environments; D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures-- Domain-specific architectures, Languages General Terms Design, Languages, Reliability, Performance Keywords BPEL, Quality of Service, Monitoring, Service Selection, Message Mediation 1. INTRODUCTION Increasingly, organizations try to automate their business processes using coarse-grained services that implement sp ecific parts of their business functionality. Services are selfdescribing, platform-agnostic computational elements that supp ort rapid low-cost comp osition of distributed applications [22]. Recently, Web services are one p opular technology for implementing such services. Comp osing different services into a structured process can b e done by using an orchestration language (also called comp osition language) such as WS-BPEL, the Web Service Business Process Execution Language (BPEL for short) [19]. It is an XML-based Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom use, and personal use by others. WWW 2008, April 21­25, 2008, Beijing, China. ACM 978-1-60558-085-2/08/04. 815 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment a service should b e p erformed and also what kind of QoSbased selection criteria should b e used. We address these aforementioned issues in our VieDAME (Vienna Dynamic Adaptation and Monitoring Environment for WS-BPEL) system1 . It is an extension to the ActiveBPEL engine [1] and allows monitoring of various QoS attributes of running BPEL processes and to p erform a fully dynamic service adaptation of existing processes in a non-intrusive way by providing a numb er of alternative services for a given service. Additionally, we provide a mechanism to handle service interface mismatches by allowing transformations to b e applied to incoming and outgoing SOAP messages to adapt them to the currently used interface in the BPEL process. We show that the p erformance overhead introduced by our extension is minimal and the overall system p erformance is sufficient for high p erformance service based applications. Furthermore, we provide a Web-based administration interface allowing access to monitoring data and the configuration of the adaptation and its p ossible transformations. This pap er is structured as follows: In Section 2 we discuss the basic model of our approach as well as the detailed system architecture and its comp onents. Section 3 describ es the monitoring strategy for BPEL processes and Section 4 presents the service adaptation and the necessary message transformation if the service interfaces do not match. In Section 5 we briefly describ e the system implementation and the technologies we used to build the extension. Section 6 presents the case study that we use in our approach and depicts an in-depth p erformance evaluation to show that our system is well-suited for high-availability environments. Related work is discussed in Section 7 and Section 8 concludes this pap er and presents some future work. Beijing, China 2. VIEDAME APPROACH In this section, we firstly discuss the design goals for the VieDAME system, followed by a system overview that briefly introduces the architectural approach. An in-depth discussion of the VieDAME system architecture concludes this section. 2.1 Conceptual Goals In general, dynamic process adaptation deals with a multitude of different asp ects concerning the adapted parts of a process and the applied adaptation techniques. The main idea for VieDAME was to achieve non-intrusive behavior with regard to dynamic service adaptation, which enables the runtime exchange of partner links within a BPEL process, without any changes to the BPEL process or the involved partner services. Such a dynamic service adaptation only leverages one p ossible fragment of a process model that can b e adapted at runtime. In general, there is no restriction what fragments of a process need to b e adapted and why. Service adaptation is one of the most obvious requirements that stems from the fact that BPEL has no efficient p ossibility of dynamically exchanging partner links or adding alternative services to the process at runtime. Unlike other approaches that modify the process definition to redirect partner link communication to a proxy service that is capable of adding additional Online demo available at http://www.vitalab.tuwien. ac.at/prototypes/viedame 1 features such as logging or partner service selection, we prop ose a lightweight adaptation layer to intercept and control incoming and outgoing (SOAP) message flow (refer to Section 2.3 for details). As an example, the work presented in [8] discusses the implementation of software fault tolerance for Web services by mapping various fault tolerance patterns to WS-BPEL, using standard BPEL constructs only. While b eing an interesting and standard compliant approach, the main advantage of our solution is the fact that the process model itself does not have to b e changed, and, therefore, does not introduce any logic that is not related to the business process itself. Other adaptation techniques coming from the workflow area allow to change different process fragments at runtime mainly based on execution monitoring [28]. Certainly, such process adaptation techniques can b e applied also to BPEL, nevertheless, it would require a tighter coupling b etween the BPEL engine and the adaptation layer, which is not the chosen approach in this pap er. Our contribution includes lightweight techniques to truly adapt services in a process at runtime. We currently do not adapt the process control flow itself, which is, for example, necessary when a service has to b e replaced by two other services which fulfill the same functional requirements but require adaptions in the control flow to achieve the same b ehavior. In Figure 1 we have depicted our conceptual model we use for the dynamic service adaptation. The core part is the BPEL process which has a certain control flow and invokes a numb er of partner services. The partner services are generally hosted on different machines distributed over the Web. In VieDAME each service in a BPEL process can b e marked as replaceable to indicate that alternative services can b e configured and invoked instead of the original service that is hard-wired in the process. An alternative service can either b e syntactical ly or semantical ly equivalent. The former indicates that the interfaces of the original and the alternative services match. This is, for example, the case, when multiple instances of the same service are hosted on different machines to provide increased reliability. The latter indicates that the services only have the same functionality but exp ose it using different interfaces which mainly occurs when services needs to b e exchanged that come from completely different providers on the Web. Each service and all of its alternative services' endp oints are stored in the VieDAME service rep ository. If a service should b e dynamically replaced with an alternative service during process execution, the original partner service captured by the VieDAME adaptation layer has to b e marked replaceable in the VieDAME UI (right side of Figure 1). Alternative services that can replace the original service defined by the BPEL process may b e added at any time by providing their interface description in the VieDAME UI. Once they are linked to the original service, a replacement p olicy can b e selected to control which of the available alternatives will b e used (see Section 4.1). Additionally, the VieDAME UI allows the definition of mediation rules that allow alternative services to b e used where the interfaces do not match the original interface of the partner service. 2.2 System Overview The VieDAME system is split into the VieDAME core and the VieDAME engine adapters. The VieDAME core ties together the monitoring, service selection and message trans- 816 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment Beijing, China 8 EA , ) - * 2 - 2 H ? A I I 5 A H L E? A 4 A F I EJ H O 95 : 95 ; : : 8 EA , ) - 7 1 ) JA H = JEL A 5 A H L E? A I ; 5DM 9 5, 5DM F A H = JE I + =?A + K I J E A A @ E= JE 5DM 3 5 J= JEI JE? I ) F F O 5 A H L E? A = A 5 A H L E? A 1 - 6 ) @ = F J= JE =OAH ; ; H - @ F E J ) @ @ H A I I D JJF D I JJ I A H L E? A 5 A H L E? A , A I ? H EF JE 5 = F A 5 A H L E? A H A F = ? A = > A ) @ L = ? A @ 95 9 5 95 Figure 1: VieDAME enhanced BPEL environment formation facilities as well as provides services such as data store access, scheduling and configuration data, whereas the engine adapters represent the connector to the BPEL engine. Thus, to supp ort new BPEL engines, it is (only) necessary to implement an engine adapter sp ecifically to the desired engine implementation. The VieDAME environment currently supp orts ActiveBPEL 3.0 [1], supp ort for Apache ODE [2] and JBoss jBPM WS-BPEL runtime [27] is planned once they are reliable enough to b e used in production environments. The VieDAME engine adapters are implemented using asp ect-oriented programming (AOP). Although extending existing (ob ject oriented) software systems is traditionally achieved by applying subclassing to add additional functionality, we would fail to reach our goal to keep the base system (i.e., the BPEL engine) and the VieDAME system as separate as p ossible by taking the OOP approach. The main drawback with sub classing is that the code is dep endent on its base classes. Changes in the base system always imply changes in the extension, even if the changes in the new release are unrelated to the extension. Moreover, if the numb er of classes to b e modified is high, it would b e likely that one would end up with code that is hard to maintain. These issues, together with the p ossibility to enable and disable certain parts of the VieDAME system as needed by using load time weaving, were the main reasons for the decision towards AOP. additional code. This step is called code weaving and affects the p erformance and ease of deployment of the altered code. Whereas compile-time weaving requires an intermediate step to generate the modified classes, load-time weaving adds the advice code during class loading time. As an additional b enefit, asp ects can b e deployed and undeployed during runtime. Another approach is source-level weaving, which is not p opular any more since it requires access to the base system's source code. Section 3 explains the ServiceStatisticsCollectorAspect's advice code and shows sample p ointcut expressions for JBossAOP. 2.3 Architecture Figure 2 depicts the architectural approach taken as well as the system dep endencies. Firstly, the flow of events in a standard BPEL environment is describ ed, without any interaction with the VieDAME system. Secondly, the additional steps p erformed in a full-featured VieDAME environment are explained. It includes service monitoring, alternative service selection and message transformation, which are explained in detail in the subsequent sections. Please note that only a simple scenario ­ without process correlation and other advanced BPEL features ­ is used for explanation. Nevertheless, the VieDAME system does not imp ose any limitations in this regard. After deployment of a process definition (1), the BPEL processor (2) is ready to create new process instances. A new BPEL process instance (2a) is created when one of its start activities is triggered, e.g., by an incoming message. Interaction with a partner link is initiated by invoke activities (2b) that create SOAP calls (3a). These SOAP calls are executed by a SOAP engine (10) that returns the result of the invocation of an arbitrary partner service (11) up on completion of the request. The invoke activity rep orts the result to the process instance which in turn proceeds to the next activity. When the VieDAME system is enabled, an additional level of processing is introduced, manifested in the Interception and Adaptation Layer (5b), hereinafter referred to as the IAL. Basically, the IAL is created by aspects that are 2.2.1 Aspect-Oriented Programming The following paragraph gives a very short introduction to the key concepts in AOP. For a complete introduction to AOP consider [14] and [15]. An aspect in AOP can b e seen as a concern that is related to one or more places in existing code. In AOP, those places are called joinpoints. To tell the AOP framework where exactly it should add the additional functionality (called advices in AOP jargon) it requires the definition of pointcuts ­ expressions that identify arbitrary events in the runtime system such as method invocations or field access. Finally, the AOP framework combines the base system with the 817 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment * I I ) F F E? = JE 5 A H L A H 2 H ? A I I , A BE EJE Beijing, China 8 EA , ) - " 9 5 * 2 - ? BEC K H = JE M EHE C @ = J= = ?A II I ? D A @ K E C % 5 F H E C . H = A M H 3 K = HJ 5 ? D A @ K A H 0 E> A H = JA 4 @ = J= =??AII F H ?A II @ A F O A J 8 EA , ) - + H A $ %= %> I J HA E L ? = JE A LA JI * 2 - 2 H ? A I I H + = F JK H A @ 5 A H L E? A I ) JA H = JEL A 5 A H L E? A I 6 H = I B H A H 4 K A I EJ H E C , = J= + BEC K H = JE , = J= ' = ? ? A I I = JA H = JEL A I A HL E? A I = F F E C = @ 3 5 @ = J= = ? ? A I I JH= I B H A H HK A I 2 H ? A I I + H A = JE ==CA AJ F H ?A II E I J= JE= JE F H ?A II IJ= JK I EJ H I =??AII E L ? = JE ? JA N J 6 H= I B H A HI &> &? 5 A A ? J H I F H L E@ A = JA H = JEL A I A HL E? A H EC E = 5 A H L E? A I 5 A H L E? A ) &= = F F O A I I = C A JH= I B H = JE I * 2 - 2 H ? A I I = - C E A ) @ = F JA H 1 L ? = JE + JA N J ) ? ? A I I = O A H F H L E@ A E L ? = JE ? JA N J = I F A ? J > E @ E C " 5 A H L E? A * 5)2 @ EBO E L ? = JE ? JA N J = ? JEL EJO E I J= JE= JE 1 L A > E L ? = JE HA I K J K = JA HA @ E L A ) ? JEL EJO != * II ) 2 ? @ A M A = L E C = @ L E? A @ E L A !> #> 1 JA H ? A F JE = @ ) @ = F J= JE = O A H 5)2 - C E A 5)2 ) JA H = JEL A 5 A H L E? A I ) JA H = JEL A 5 A H L E? A ) 8 EA , ) + F A JI * 2 - - C E A + F A JI *II + F A JI - N JA H = , A F A @ A ? EA I Figure 2: VieDAME Overall System Architecture b ound to sp ecific joinpoints in the BPEL engine's code by the definition of pointcuts. The advice code is then woven into the original method invocations by the AOP framework (4) at load time. The IAL provides a bidirectional interface for the engine adapter (5a) to tap the communication b etween the invoke activity (2b) and the SOAP engine (10). The engine adapter in turn provides read-write access to the invocation context, enabling other VieDAME comp onents ­ such as Monitor (8a) or Selector (8c) ­ to access and modify invocation parameters and other runtime data. The first VieDAME comp onent that is called after interception of a partner link invocation by the IAL is the Monitor comp onent. It examines the invocation context to find the service name, endp oint address and op eration name in order to load a previously p ersisted service reference or to p ersist a new service reference for future requests. The Monitor leverages the VieDAME core (6) and the ORM framework (7b) resp ectively to p ersist ob jects to a data store (10). Furthermore, the Monitor activates a timer to measure the time elapsed during the actual SOAP call and stores this information together with a reference to the involved service and success/failed flag. A scheduling framework (7a) is used to bulk-insert invocation events in order to optimize data store access. The Monitor comp onent is explained in more detail in Section 3. If the service reference loaded by (8a) is marked as replaceable, the next VieDAME comp onent takes control. The Selector comp onent (8c) determines an alternative partner service by applying some selection algorithm to a list of configured alternative services (9). If an alternative service is found, the invocation context is up dated with the alternative's endp oint parameters. Section 4.1 explains the Selector concept in more detail. Like the Monitor comp onent, Selectors access the data store by using (6) and (7b). The same applies to the last VieDAME comp onent that can b e called, the Transformer comp onent. A Transformer (8b) is resp onsible for comp ensating the interface mismatch b etween the original service and the alternative. The Transformer uses transformation rules (e.g., XSLT stylesheets) stored in (9) to p erform the required transformations. Consider Section 4.2 for more information on Transformers. After all required modifications are applied to the invocation context, the SOAP call is finally proceeded, probably invoking an alternative partner service instead of the original service. The difference b etween the unaltered invoke (3a) and the advised invoke (3b) is called the Invocation Context Delta, or ICD. A big ICD indicates many differences b etween the original service interface and the alternative service interface, whereas a small ICD indicates a replica of the original service (i.e., the original partner service and the alternative partner service only differ in their endp oint address). A zero ICD indicates that neither a service replacement nor message transformation was applied. The ICD measured value can b e used as an indicator for determining the degree of adaptation the VieDAME system has p erformed and whether the environment running VieDAME uses the adaptation facilities at all. 3. SERVICE MONITORING As the BPEL standard does not sp ecify any details ab out process monitoring a p ossible work-around to accomplish 818 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment this in BPEL is a combination of and activities that can b e utilized to trigger additional activities (e.g., invoking an alerting service) in case of an error. We think that there are two severe problems with this approach: On the one hand, this solution is not very flexible. If a partner service b ecomes unavailable or faulty, the process could call an alerting service which in turn could inform the op erators ab out the situation. Fixing the problem, which is only p ossible if the op erators have access to the broken partner service will result in a service downtime. Moreover, using a Web service for sending out alerts ab out service problems does not seem to b e an appropriate solution as it introduces a new single p oint of failure. In the worst case, the alerting service is down and the op erators would not even notice what is going on. On the other hand, exception handling is only useful if a service fails completely to resp ond to a request, either by returning malformed resp onses or by b eing unavailable. If one or more partner services b ecome slow in terms of resp onsiveness, the impact on business processes could turn out even worse, since the approach discussed ab ove is not applicable in such a case. Imagine a customer clicking the finalize order button, exp ecting a resp onse in a reasonable amount of time. How long the customer has to wait dep ends on how fast each of the involved partner services resp onds. It is not only a matter of "succeeded or failed", but rather fast enough or too slow. If statistical monitoring data ab out previous service invocations is available, calculating the overall execution time of the BPEL process is p ossible. The VieDAME system can provide this information, which can b e used to optimize the business process in terms of partner service invocations. The Monitor comp onent (8a in Figure 2) is resp onsible for storing the partner service invocation events (i.e., SOAP calls that result from activities in the BPEL process), that in turn are aggregated to calculate p erformance related QoS values such as average resp onse time, accuracy or availability of some particular op eration. QoS Attribute Resp onse Time Availability Accuracy 1Formula P 1 Category r ti Performance Dep endability Dep endability Beijing, China comp onents have succeeded. Line 15 shows the storeInvocation() method call that p ersists the op eration invocation event. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 void handleInvoke ( MethodInvocation invocation ) { EndpointReference endpointRef = ( EndpointReference ) invocation . getArgs [ 0 ] ; String name = endpointRef . getServiceName ( ) ; ServiceEndpoint endpoint = e n d p o i n t D a o . l o a d E n d p o i n t ( name , url ) ; try { monitor . start ( ) ; Object result = invocation . invokeNext ( ) ; monitor . stop ( ) ; return result ; } catch ( Exception e ) { success = false ; } finally { storeInvocation ( operation , duration , success ) } } Listing 1: Monitor Component Structure The QoS statistics (e.g., availability) for a particular operation are calculated by a scheduled job based on the list of saved op eration invocation events. Since the VieDAME system relies on a relational database for p ersistence, immediately flushing the invocation events to the database can cause serious p erformance issues when dealing with a lot of concurrent requests. Thus, the VieDAME system leverages a scheduling framework to implement write-behind semantics in this regard, allowing to efficiently batch insert a configurable numb er of events at once. Besides the buffer size used for temp orary storage of invocation events, a resize factor can b e defined that the VieDAME system uses to dynamically change the buffer size if the backlog of events waiting to b e flushed exceeds a configurable threshold. These parameters allow for tuning the VieDAME system to deal with different workload scenarios as well as optimizing database access. We will now explain how the AOP framework is configured where and when the code from Listing 1 is applied. Listing 2 shows p ointcut definitions and advice-to-p ointcut bindings for JBoss AOP that enable the VieDAME system to intercept partner link communication in order to monitor partner service b ehavior. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < a s p e c t c l a s s =" S t a t i s t i c s C o l l e c t o r A s p e c t " /> < a d v i c e name=" i n t e r c e p t I n v o k e " a s p e c t =" S t a t i s t i c s C o l l e c t o r A s p e c t " /> #r eq uests 1- downtime uptime #f ailedr eq uests #totalr eq uests Table 1: Monitored QoS Attributes Table 1 lists the monitored QoS attributes and their underlying formulas. These values serve as input for some Selector comp onents that are explained in Section 4.1. Furthermore, other issues such as handling p eak-time loads can b e addressed by adding additional alternative partner services based on long-term observations. Listing 1 shows the skeleton of the VieDAME Monitor comp onent, exemplifying the structure of the Selector and Transformer comp onents and explaining how AOP is used to examine the invocation context. On Line 2­3, an invocation context attribute (EndpointReference, in this case) is accessed and the name of the invoked partner service is examined (line 4). The call to invocation.invokeNext() on line 9 hands over control to the next applicable asp ect (i.e., to the Selector comp onent), effectively returning the result of the actual method invocation after all other VieDAME Listing 2: Pointcut definition and Aspect binding The tag on line 3 tells the AOP framework where to look for advice methods, whereas (line 4) instructs JBoss AOP to call advice method interceptInvoke of asp ect StatisticsCollectorAspect (lines 6­7) when method invoke (->) of an arbitrary class (*) found in the invokers package of the ActiveBPEL engine implementation is executed with any numb er of arguments of arbitrary typ e (..), returning an arbitrary ob ject (*). For more information on JBoss AOP consider [26]. 819 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment Beijing, China 4. DYNAMIC ADAPTATION AND MESSAGE MEDIATION As aforementioned in Section 2, the VieDAME system takes a lightweight approach to dynamically adapt partner service invocations based on the IAL. This allows to efficiently exchange partner links at runtime. This section shows first, how runtime partner link binding can b e p erformed with standard BPEL constructs, followed by a wrapup of limitations inherent to this approach and finally explains the two VieDAME comp onents resp onsible for conquering these limitations. A partner link endp oint reference in BPEL is represented as a wsa:EndpointReference XML element defined by the WS-Addressing [30] standard. It is p ossible to declare a variable of typ e wsa:EndpointReferenceType and dynamically assign its value to a particular partner link. Juric et al. [13] refer to this technique as dynamic partner link assignment. Although it is p ossible to use this approach to force the process to dynamically bind to partner services at runtime, it does not allow adding new partner services at runtime, let alone additional partner services that differ from the original in their interface description. Furthermore, it is not p ossible to change the way how and when a particular service is picked, i.e., the selection criterion is statically hardwired into the process definition (where it conceptually does not b elong to). Taken together, these limitations indicate the need for a more flexible and viable solution to the problem of dynamical ly adapting the process at runtime. The VieDAME environment allows to add alternative services while the process is running and choose Selectors to define the replacement algorithm. The replacement algorithm in turn determines the alternative service by matching some predefined criteria (i.e., QoS attributes such as availability or resp onse time) against the data gathered by the monitoring comp onent. Thus, the selectors do not solely rely on predetermined data but rather uses up-to-date information ab out the quality of the alternative service. Following [17] we distinguish b etween deterministic and non-deterministic QoS attributes. Deterministic QoS attributes, on the one hand, indicate that their value is known b efore a service is invoked, including price or p enalty rate. On the other hand, their non-deterministic counterpart include all attributes that are uncertain at service invocation time, for example service availability [29]. Dealing with non-deterministic attributes is more complex since it requires to p erform calculations based on data gathered during runtime observations (see Section 3). Thus, we will only take these non-deterministic attributes into consideration for the evaluation. Nevertheless, the VieDAME system also supp orts service selection based on deterministic attributes. The fact that not all alternative services provide the same interface as the original partner service makes the situation even more challenging. The VieDAME system addresses this issue by supp orting basic and extended transformation comp onents, called Transformers. Both the Selectors and Transformers are key comp onents that need further explanation. tive services matches one or more selection criteria b est. The VieDAME systems provides a variety of selection algorithms, ranging from simple randomized and round-robin selectors that can b e used for load balancing, to more sophisticated selectors that combine several QoS attributes such as p erformance and dep endability for the selection criterion. Moreover, the VieDAME system offers fault-comp ensating selectors that retry failed service invocations, either with the original service or with an appropriate replacement. To meet further requirements, the VieDAME system can easily b e extended with additional Selector implementations. Figure 3 gives an overview of the selector hierarchies. Basically, the load balancing selectors are used for choosing a service out of a group of services that are deployed on different nodes to distribute the load and increase the faulttolerance in a round-robin or randomized way. , A JA H E EI JE? 5 A A ? J H I , A F A @ = > EEJO , A JA H E EI JE? 5 A A ? J H ) ? ? K H= ? O 5 A A ? J H ) L = E= > EEJO 5 A A ? J H 2 A HB H = ? A L A H = 3 5 5 A A ? J H 4 A I F I A 6 E A 5 A A ? J H 625 5 A A ? J H = @ * = = ? E C . = K J + F A = JE C 5 A A ? J H 4 K @ 4 > E 5 A A ? J H 4 = @ E A @ 5 A A ? J H Figure 3: VieDAME Non Deterministic Selectors The dependability selector are used for choosing a service that either has the highest availability or the b est accuracy based on its execution history measured by the monitoring module. The performance selectors choose a service based on its average response time or it transactions per second rate. These different selectors provide a very p owerful mechanism to select services based on certain QoS criteria that typically arise in enterprise systems. 4.2 Message Transformers A Transformer in the VieDAME system is a mediation comp onent that comp ensates the interface mismatch b etween the original service and an alternative service by applying transformation rules to incoming and outgoing messages. Thus, only semantic equivalence is necessary for a service to qualify itself as a replacement for another service. The VieDAME system offers two different typ es of Transformers that are describ ed b elow. Figure 4 illustrates the dep endencies b etween partner services, Transformers and transformation rules and the IAL. BasicTransformers accomplish the interface mismatch comp ensation by substitutions based on regular expressions. While creating transformation rules by leveraging regular expressions is straightforward, this approach is only viable if b oth interfaces differ only in tag or attribute names. ExtendedTransformers, on the other hand, supp ort full XSLT 2.0 [31] transformations and therefore allow to use alternative services even if their interface descriptions are rather different from the original partner service WSDL. Furthermore, it is p ossible to assign 4.1 Service Selectors A Selector (8c in figure 2) in the VieDAME system context is an implementation of some particular selection algorithm that determines which of the available alterna- 820 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment a list of transformation rules to an alternative service, which allows the Transformer to apply different rules to different parts of the incoming and outgoing messages or implement chained transformations. In the rare situation that b oth Basic- and ExtendedTransformers are not applicable (i.e., if the transformation requirements cannot b e met by neither regular expression nor XSLT), the VieDAME system allows to configure an external transformation engine such as Apache Synapse [3]. This would also allow to attach other messaging back-ends such as the Java Messaging Service (JMS) or REST based services [11]. Beijing, China system features to show the additional overhead each comp onent (e.g., a Transformer) adds to the plain ActiveBPEL system. In the Selector tests, a simple round robin selector is applied, whereas for the transformer tests, an Extended Transformer was used that uses an XSLT transformation on the incoming and outgoing SOAP message of the service that needs to b e adapted. 6.1 Case Study The case study we have implemented for evaluation of our approach describ es the business process b ehind an externally available PurchaseOrder Web service that is implemented as a BPEL process. It enables partner companies to p erform one-shot orders, meaning that all activities that are required for placing an order are p erformed at once. Figure 5 illustrates the process using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) [20]. 2 K H? D = I A H@ A H 2 H ? A I I 2 K H? D = I A H@ A H 4 AGKAIJ K J B5 J ? - N ? A F JE H@ A H + BEH = JE 4 AIFIA H EC E = 2 = H J A H 5 A H L E? A ) J A H = J EL A 2 = H J A H 5 A H L E? A = A C EL A L = K A D I K H L = K A , A = A 1) B = A D B = A = A , A = A 1 L A ) ? J EL EJ O + D A ? 5 J ? 5 J= JK I 1 EJE= JA , A EL A H O 66HH = II B HH ==JJ = B EE 6 H = I B H = J E 4 K AAII 44 K A I K 6 H= I B H A H =??AII AII=CA = F F O J H = I B H A H H K A I + = ? K = JA 6 J= 2 H E? A K J B5 J ? 4 AIFIA + D = H C A + H A @ EJ + = H@ Figure 4: VieDAME Transformers + D A ? + H A @ EJ + = H@ + = H @ J8 = E@ - N ? A F JE + = H @ J8 = E@ 4 AIFIA OAI 5. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS + = H @ + D = H C A = > A For evaluating our approach, ActiveBPEL 3.0.1 [1] (2) is used (The numb er in braces references the resp ective comp onent in Figure 2). The prototyp e for the VieDAME system was implemented based on the Java 5 platform, configuration, dep endency management, and comp onent wiring are provided by the Spring Framework [12] (7). Ob jectRelational mapping is implemented using Hib ernate [23] (7a), which offers sophisticated caching mechanisms the VieDAME system uses to avoid unnecessary database access. JBoss Application Server 4.2.1 [24] (shown in the background of Figure 2) is used for deployment of b oth the ActiveBPEL Engine and the VieDAME system, JBoss AOP 2.0 [26] (4) seamlessly integrates AOP capabilities into the application server deployment concept. JBoss Seam 2.0 [25], an application framework that integrates JSF and EJB 3.0, was used to implement a Web-based user interface for configuring the VieDAME system, allowing the user to add alternative services by providing the service's WSDL, choose the desired Selectors and define/upload Transformer rules. Moreover, the partner services QoS statistics are displayed using JFree [21] charts on a p er op eration basis. We are using Postgres 8.0.13 for the RDBMS comp onent (9). + = H@ J + D = H C A = > A 4 AIFIA Figure 5: PurchaseOrder Process The process is triggered up on receipt of the PurchaseOrder request from the service requester. Then it will check if the required order items are in stock. If one or more items are out of stock or currently not available in the desired quantity, the requester has to b e informed and eventually given an alternative. If all items are in stock, then a total price, including additional fees like shipping costs and taxes, has to b e calculated. Furthermore, this activity triggers a shipping address validation, which is necessary to calculate the shipping fee. The next step is the validation of the customers payment option. To simplify matters, it is assumed that only ma jor credit cards are accepted for payment. This requires a check to assure that the credit card data supplied by the business partner is valid and the card can b e charged. The final steps include the actual charging of the supplied credit card and the initiation of the delivery process which also confirms the successful order placement by sending an email to the customer. The process is built up on five different Web services, the service names resemble the activity names in Figure 5. Moreover, the following op erations have to b e invoked to complete the PurchaseOrder process: checkStockStatus, calculateTotalPrice, isChargeable, chargeOrder and deliverOrder. All requests used in this scenario follow the synchronous request-resp onse message pattern. Besides using internal back-end services in the process (e.g., for checking the stock), 6. EVALUATION In this section the VieDAME system p erformance is compared to the p erformance achieved with a plain ActiveBPEL setup (without using any VieDAME comp onents) using a load-test scenario with a different numb er of virtual users. We use a multistage comparison regarding the VieDAME 821 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment external services from other organizations are used for credit card data validation and payment, the CheckCreditCard service and the ChargeCreditCard. For the evaluation, we replace the CheckCreditCard service with other alternative credit card services where the services are only semantically equivalent, thus a transformation using XSLT has to b e applied. Beijing, China 6.2 Setup and Results The evaluation was carried out using two different physical machines, connected using a 100 Mbit LAN. One machine was running ActiveBPEL to execute the process and to host VieDAME, the other machine was used to host the different Web services used in the process. The VieDAME/ActiveBPEL host was p owered by an Intel Core2Duo CPU clocked at 2.66 Ghz, whereas the Web service host had an AMD64 2.0 Ghz CPU installed. Both machines were equipp ed with 2 GB of RAM and fast SATA disks, running Linux 2.6.22. For running the load tests we use a commercial tool called Mercury LoadRunner [18] that allows to create real world load scenarios that can b e used to simulate and predict system b ehavior in production environments under heavy load. The VieDAME system was stressed in three different setups: Firstly, only the Monitor comp onent was enabled. For the next test run, the Selector comp onent was additionally enabled, and finally, in the third step, the Transformer comp onent was turned on too. Each of these four setups (including the VieDAME-disabled scenario) had to undergo a 50 minute load test, serving 50, 100 and 200 concurrent virtual users, resp ectively. A randomized pacing time b etween one and two seconds for consecutive requests was used to create a realistic high-load scenario. Additionally, an initial ramp up phase was defined to start 5, 10 or 20 users (dep ending on the numb er of virtual users) every 15 seconds to not overload the system in the very b eginning. We measured the average resp onse times for PurchaseOrder requests and the numb er of PurchaseOrder transactions p er second for each of the four aforementioned scenarios. The decision to use resp onse times and transactions p er second as evaluation metrics is based on the fact that they are the two most imp ortant factors of p erformance in production systems in the domain of process execution environments. The results of the load test are illustrated in Figure 6. The first three upp er diagrams show the resp onse times for 50, 100 and 200 virtual users for the BPEL overall process execution. The three lower diagrams show transactions p er second for the different virtual users. Stage VieDAME Disabled Monitor only +RRobin Selector +XSLT Transformer 50 Users 65/30 73/29 91/29 105/27 100 Users 182/55 298/52 679/43 694/42 200 Users 1747/56 2283/49 3725/41 3484/38 disabled test. Only the results of the Transformer tests show that the XSLT transformations have an considerable impact on system p erformance. The next release of VieDAME will introduce Transformer caches to address this issue and sp eed up the transformation p erformance. A summary for b oth average resp onse times (left value) and transactions p er second (right value) is provided in Table 2. Please note that our discussion and illustration of the system p erformance only shows the small p enalty the VieDAME system adds to an existing BPEL engine. If we would consider the case where several alternative services are configured for a particularly slow original service, the overhead introduced by the base system is negligible b ecause the overall process p erformance increase is much higher than the p enalty of the VieDAME. 7. RELATED WORK Ezenwoye et al. provide an approach [10] to transparently adapt BPEL processes to comp ensate runtime faults and to improve the process p erformance with resp ect to partner services. In their previous work [9], they presented the RobustBPEL framework that can generate an adapt-ready version of an existing BPEL process that is capable of monitoring the invocation of partner Web services. Up on failure, a static proxy service is invoked, which tries to find a replacement service for the failed one. In this static proxy approach, information ab out the replacement services is hardcoded at proxy generation time. With RobustBPEL2 [10], a new concept, called dynamic proxies, is introduced allowing runtime discovery of replacement services. Furthermore, RobustBPEL2 adds self-optimizing b ehavior to existing BPEL processes. While their work is similar to ours with resp ect to their aim to improve reliability and p erformance in the context of BPEL and Web services, they are using a proxy based approach to monitor process execution and improve process p erformance whereas the VieDAME system leverages a lightweight adaptation and monitoring layer based on AOP to achieve these goals. RobustBPEL2 uses UDDI to discover alternative services up on failure, but it does not incorp orate selection criteria when multiple services are found, while the VieDAME system chooses the most adequate (in terms of QoS) service in advance to optimize process p erformance. In [5], Baresi et al. present a solution for self-healing of BPEL processes. Their approach is based on Dynamo, a sup ervision framework prop osed in [4] together with an AOP extension to ActiveBPEL, and a monitoring and recovery subsystem that leverages JBoss Rules. This assertion based solution provides the user with two domain sp ecific languages (WSCoL, the Web Service Constraint Language and WSReL, the Web Service Recovery Language ) to declaratively define Web service monitoring and recovery rules, resp ectively. WSCol and WSReL allow to create complex recovery strategies that are b eyond the capabilities of VieDAME. However, their solution does not explicitly address the problem of selecting alternative services and dealing with p ossible interface mismatches when forwarding a request to an alternative endp oint during recovery. Our solution provides a viable way to select alternative services and to comp ensate these mismatches by using Selectors and Transformers. Additionally, their recovery rules cannot b e changed dynamically as they need to b e compiled Table 2: Response Times (ms) / Transactions per Second The results demonstrate that the VieDAME system provides good p erformance for all three scenarios, whereas the 50 user test results for the VieDAME enhanced system are almost identical to the results measured in the VieDAME- 822 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment Transaction Response Times (50 Users) 0.4 Response Times (seconds) Response Times (seconds) 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 10:00 20:00 30:00 40:00 disabled monitors selectors transformers 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 10:00 20:00 30:00 40:00 Response Times (seconds) disabled monitors selectors transformers Transaction Response Times (100 Users) 10 8 6 4 2 0 10:00 20:00 30:00 Beijing, China Transaction Response Times (200 Users) disabled monitors selectors transformers 40:00 Transactions per Second (50 Users) 80 70 60 Transactions 50 40 30 20 10 0 10:00 20:00 30:00 40:00 20 0 disabled monitors selectors transformers Transactions 120 100 80 60 40 Transactions per Second (100 Users) 120 disabled monitors selectors transformers Transactions 100 80 60 40 20 0 10:00 20:00 30:00 40:00 Transactions per Second (200 Users) disabled monitors selectors transformers 10:00 20:00 30:00 40:00 Figure 6: Response Times and Transactions per Second during VieDAME Loadtest offline, whereas our system can configure all alternative services and selectors during runtime of the system. AO4BPEL [7] is an asp ect-oriented extension to BPEL that supp orts the definition of workflow asp ects for BPEL processes. It is a p owerful framework to define cross-cutting concerns like logging, security or transactional processing for given business processes. Asp ects are defined in XML documents that in turn define one or more p ointcuts and advices. An advice in terms of AO4BPEL is a BPEL activity that implements a crosscutting concern or a workflow change. AO4BPEL also allows for dynamically change the deployed process by simply activating or deactivating asp ects. In contrast to Charfi's work, our approach focuses on enhancing process p erformance and flexibility sp ecifically with regard to partner service interaction. The implementation of AO4BPEL is based on an asp ect-aware engine approach, thus limiting its application to a particular BPEL engine (in this case IBM's BPWS4J), whereas the VieDAME system takes a non-intrusive approach to intercept interaction b etween the BPEL engine and its partner links. While not strictly related to our approach, the work presented in [6] shows that the idea of interface mismatch comp ensation can b e taken one step further to solve behavioral mismatch among BPEL processes. Their prop osed adaptation process, given two communicating BPEL processes whose interaction may lock, builds (if p ossible) a BPEL process that allows the two processes to successfully interop erate. In [16], Kongdenfha et al. prop ose an asp ect-oriented framework to provide service adaptation. Their approach uses asp ect-based templates to automate the task of handling interface mismatches. Moreover, their solution is capable of handling protocol mismatches to comp ensate differences b etween the external sp ecification and the implementation of arbitrary BPEL processes. However, b oth [6] and [16] do not aim for neither partner service monitoring nor service selection like our solution does. 8. CONCLUSIONS In this pap er we introduced an asp ect-oriented extension for existing BPEL environments that allows: (i) the monitoring of existing BPEL processes according to certain QoS criteria and (ii) an adaptation strategy to replace existing partner services based on various selectors that implement different replacement strategies. The replacement services can either b e syntactically or semantically equivalent to the interface used in the BPEL process. In case of a interface mismatches, a set of Transformers can b e sp ecified to handle theses mismatches on a SOAP message level. These mechanisms allow a non-intrusive adaptation of partner services within a BPEL process without any downtime of the overall system. No modifications to the process definition or the partner services are required. Therefore, VieDAME is a feasible candidate for transparently enhancing BPEL engines used in high-availability environments. Our evaluation demonstrates that the system scales very well even when the numb er of users is high and the overhead introduced by the monitoring, selection and transformation is minimal. Our future work includes extending and improving our VieDAME environment by implementing more advanced Selector algorithms that can learn from previous execution traces to choose the b est selection strategy for different time p eriods, thereby allowing an optimal transaction p er seconds rate. Another imp ortant issue is the development of algorithms for assisting develop ers to create Transformers b etween semantically equivalent replacement services. For increasing the p erformance, we will implement additional batch processing and storage concepts to allow even more concurrent requests. Moreover, we will extend our evaluation scenario to examine the real p erformance gain in process execution times when replacing particularly slow services with high-p erformance p endants, as these results will b e essential to the decision whether the VieDAME is ready for application in production environments. 823 WWW 2008 / Refereed Track: Web Engineering - Web Service Deployment Beijing, China 9. REFERENCES [16] [1] Active Endp oints. ActiveBPEL Engine, 2007. http://www.active- endpoints.com/ (Last accessed: May 07, 2007). [2] Apache Software Foundation. Apache ODE, 2007. http://ode.apache.org/ (Last accessed: Oct 21, 2007). [3] Apache Software Foundation. Apache Synapse, 2007. http://ws.apache.org/synapse/ (Last accessed: Oct 21, 2007). [4] L. Baresi and S. Guinea. Dynamo: Dynamic Monitoring of WS-BPEL Processes. 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