Radix Sort

(Under construction)

Parallel Radix Sort: Implement parallel radix sort in XMTC. Start with k = 2, see why that choice of k, while adequate for the serial version, is inadequate for the parallel version, and implement it for k = 4 as well. Save your program as rsort.p.c

Remember: "For Radix Sort we will assume that r = n^2. The goal is to sort the elements of the input array from smallest to largest."
"Imagine having the binary representation (since we are working on computers) of a value v of the input (v is in the set of [0..r-1]). It is b = log2 r bits long."
Hint: Your radix sort will likely appear quite similar to your integer sort with at least one major exception: your are not directly operating on the numbers of A themselves but on progressively significant segments of of A's contents...

See example 1 , slide 63 ...