A system for generating process and material selection advice during embodiment design of mechanical components

TitleA system for generating process and material selection advice during embodiment design of mechanical components
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsGupta SK, Chen Y, Feng S, Sriram R
JournalJournal of manufacturing systems
Pagination28 - 45
Date Published2003///

This paper describes a systematic approach to material and process selection during theembodiment design of mechanical components and a system for generating process and material
selection advice. Quite often during the embodiment design stage, design requirements are not
precisely defined. Therefore, the system described in this paper accounts for imprecision in
design requirements during generation and evaluation of alternative process sequences and
material options. To reduce the computational effort, the system uses a depth-first branch-and-
bound search algorithm. This aids in exploring promising process sequences and material options
that can be used to meet the given set of design requirements. Various process sequences and
material options are evaluated by using a commercial cost estimation tool.
