Going beyond integer programming with the Omega test to eliminate false data dependences

TitleGoing beyond integer programming with the Omega test to eliminate false data dependences
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsPugh W, Wonnacott D
JournalIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Pagination204 - 211
Date Published1995/02//
ISBN Number1045-9219
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, Arithmetic, Computer science, Data analysis, false data dependences, integer programming, Linear programming, Omega test, Privatization, Production, production compilers, program compilers, Program processors, program testing, program transformations, Testing

Array data dependence analysis methods currently in use generate false dependences that can prevent useful program transformations. These false dependences arise because the questions asked are conservative approximations to the questions we really should be asking. Unfortunately, the questions we really should be asking go beyond integer programming and require decision procedures for a subclass of Presburger formulas. In this paper, we describe how to extend the Omega test so that it can answer these queries and allow us to eliminate these false data dependences. We have implemented the techniques described here and believe they are suitable for use in production compilers
