Exploring QIM-based anti-collusion fingerprinting for multimedia

TitleExploring QIM-based anti-collusion fingerprinting for multimedia
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSwaminathan A, He S, Wu M
JournalProceedings of SPIE
Pagination698 - 709
Date Published2006///

Digital fingerprinting is an emerging technology to protect multimedia from unauthorizeduse by embedding a unique fingerprint signal into each user’s copy. A robust embedding
algorithm is an important building block in order to make the fingerprint resilient to vari-
ous distortions and collusion attacks. Spread spectrum embedding has been widely used for
multimedia fingerprinting. In this paper, we explore another class of embedding methods –
Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) for fingerprinting applications. We first employ Dither
Modulation (DM) technique and extend it for embedding multiple symbols through a basic
dither sequence design. We then develop a theoretical model and propose a new algorithm
to improve the collusion resistance of the basic scheme. Simulation results show that the
improvement algorithm enhances the collusion resistance, while there is still a performance gap
with the existing spread spectrum based fingerprinting. We then explore coded fingerprinting
based on spread transform dither modulation (STDM) embedding. Simulation results show that
this coded STDM based fingerprinting has significant advantages over spread spectrum based
fingerprinting under blind detection.