Dynamic distortion control for 3-D embedded wavelet video over multiuser OFDM networks

TitleDynamic distortion control for 3-D embedded wavelet video over multiuser OFDM networks
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsSu G-M, Han Z, M. Wu, Liu KJR
Conference NameGlobal Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM '04. IEEE
Date Published2004/12/03/nov
Keywords3D, 802.11a;, channels;, codec;, codecs;, communication;, control;, deviation;, distortion, diversity, diversity;, downlink, dynamic, embedded, fairness;, Frequency, IEEE, LAN;, maximal, minimax, minimization;, modulation;, multimedia, multiuser, OFDM, OFDM;, PSNR, rate, reception;, streaming;, systems;, techniques;, theory;, TIME, transforms;, video, video;, wavelet, wireless

In this paper, we propose a system to transmit multiple 3D embedded wavelet video programs over downlink multiuser OFDM. We consider the fairness among users and formulate the problem as minimizing the users' maximal distortion subject to power, rate, and subcarrier constraints. By exploring frequency, time, and multiuser diversity in OFDM and flexibility of the 3D embedded wavelet video codec, the proposed algorithm can achieve fair video qualities among all users. Compared to a scheme similar to the current multiuser OFDM standard (IEEE 802.11a), the proposed scheme outperforms it by 1-5 dB on the worst received PSNR among all users and has much smaller PSNR deviation.
