Black-Box Construction of a Non-malleable Encryption Scheme from Any Semantically Secure One

TitleBlack-Box Construction of a Non-malleable Encryption Scheme from Any Semantically Secure One
Publication TypeBook Chapters
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsChoi SGeol, Dachman-Soled D, Malkin T, Wee H
EditorCanetti R
Book TitleTheory of Cryptography
Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science
Pagination427 - 444
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-540-78523-1, 978-3-540-78524-8
KeywordsAlgorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, black-box constructions, computers and society, Data Encryption, Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science, Management of Computing and Information Systems, non-malleability, public-key encryption, semantic security, Systems and Data Security

We show how to transform any semantically secure encryption scheme into a non-malleable one, with a black-box construction that achieves a quasi-linear blow-up in the size of the ciphertext. This improves upon the previous non-black-box construction of Pass, Shelat and Vaikuntanathan (Crypto ’06). Our construction also extends readily to guarantee non-malleability under a bounded-CCA2 attack, thereby simultaneously improving on both results in the work of Cramer et al. (Asiacrypt ’07). Our construction departs from the oft-used paradigm of re-encrypting the same message with different keys and then proving consistency of encryptions; instead, we encrypt an encoding of the message with certain locally testable and self-correcting properties. We exploit the fact that low-degree polynomials are simultaneously good error-correcting codes and a secret-sharing scheme.